アイドル越えの三ツ星美少女、香純ゆいちゃんが新人ナースに変身。文字通り体でぶつかる手厚い看護に、病人怪我人もバイタル上昇。看護という名の性欲解消、白衣の下に秘めた肉欲パンパンのエロボディで病院内をエッチに奔走しちゃいます!Yui Kasumi, a three-star beauty who is more than just an idol, transforms into a new nurse. Her vitals rise as she nurses the sick and injured back to health with her body. She is so erotic that it's hard to believe she's actually a nurse.
タグ: 香純ゆい
いままで「顔射」の言葉を耳にするだけだった香純ゆいにAVの登竜門であるザーメンの洗礼を顔面に施す!男の欲望の固まりである濃厚ギトギト精子を同級生に内緒で初顔射。18歳を迎えた未成熟であどけない顔に咽返るほどの大量ザーメンを容赦なくぶちまける!Yui Kasumi, who has only heard of the word "facial" before, is baptized with cum, the gateway to success in porn! This is the first time she has ever face-fucked her classmates, as they relentlessly spray her immature, innocent 18-year-old face with thick loads of cum!
MAXINGとMAX-Aの2社同時リリース決定!!18歳になりたての香純ゆいは同級生が勉強している最中にAVフライングデビュー…覚悟を決めて学校を中退した幼くも可憐な彼女はアダルトビデオの撮影で何を感じ何を得るのだろうか!?MAXING and MAX-A to release simultaneously! A young and pretty girl who has just turned 18, Yui Kasumi, makes her debut in an adult video while her classmates are studying… What will she feel and what will she gain from shooting an adult video after she decides to drop out of school?