
風俗ちゃんねる40 向井しほ – Hey動画

サービス業ならお手のもの? 某大手ファーストフード店員の向井しほが大人の接客業界に祝入店!チアやブルマや和服など様々なコスで、あなたの快楽中枢をフルスイングしちゃいます。ご奉仕中についつい挿入も受け入れてしまったり、過剰なサービス精神に感謝感激デス!Do you know your way around the service industry? Shiho Mukai, who used to work at a major fast food restaurant, has just entered the adult customer service industry. She's wearing a variety of costumes, including cheerleader, bloomers, and kimono, and is ready to put your pleasure center in full swing. She'll also be able to insert herself into your body while serving you. You'll be very grateful for her over-the-top service!


酷烈顔射 向井しほ – Hey動画

某有名ファーストフード店員のウブな少女は着実に【経験】を積み重ね、大人の女に成長していく。デビュー2作目にして容赦ない大量顔射洗礼を与える!顔面に浴びる濃厚ザーメンに困惑しながらも淫らな身体に刻まれたゼロ円スマイルは絶やさない!A naive girl who works at a famous fast food restaurant is steadily accumulating experience and growing into an adult woman. In her second debut, she is given an unrelenting baptism of massive facial cum! She is bewildered by the thick cum on her face, but she keeps a smile with her luscious body!


新人 向井しほ 〜なぜこのタイミング!?いま話題の某大手ファーストフード店員AVデビュー!!〜 – Hey動画

本当になぜこのタイミング!?困惑するMAXING社員を尻目にいま話題の某大手ファーストフード店員がAVデビュー!!鹿児島出身で接客サービスのスターとしてお客様をおもてなしするスペシャリスト。スタイル抜群の彼女は驚く事に経験人数が1人!男を知らない19才はAV撮影で人生2本目の異物挿入を覚悟する。Why now? While the MAXING employees are baffled, a popular fast food worker makes her AV debut! She is from Kagoshima, Japan, and is the star of customer service. She has a great figure and surprisingly has only one experience! She is a 19 year old who has never known a man and is ready to have a foreign object inserted into here for the second time in her life.
