タグ: 加山なつこ
もし「加山なつこ」が家政婦だったら…。昼は旦那さんの息子のオナニーのお手伝い、夜はキッチンで旦那さんを手コキで発射させ…。性欲旺盛な超肉食系のド淫乱家政婦が派遣先の男達を食い尽くす!もちろんフェチ映像も満載!If Natsuko Kayama were a housekeeper. She helps her husband's stepson masturbate during the day and gives him a hand job in the kitchen at night. She's a sexually voracious and housekeeper who devours the men she's sent to work for! And of course, she's loaded with fetish footage!
かつてSEX中毒だった過去を持つシングルマザーのなつこ。ある晩、娘夫婦の夜の営みを覗き見てしまう。温厚で優しい婿養子が娘と野獣のようなSEXをする姿に魅入られ、過去の記憶が蘇ってしまう。そして娘が居なくなったある日、その絶倫チンポが欲しくなり、求めてしまう。「妊娠するまで中に出して…!」と孕ませ願望を娘婿にねだりつつ、獣の様に何度も交尾を繰り返す!Natsuko is a single mother who used to be a sex addict. One night, she peeps into her daughter and son-in-law's nighttime activity. She is fascinated by the sight of her mild and gentle son-in-law having wild sex with her daughter, and her memories of the past come flooding back. And one day, when her daughter is gone, she wants to have a cock, and she asks for it. "Put it inside me until I get pregnant." She begs her son-in-law to impregnate her, and repeatedly copulates him like a beast!