スポーツに捧げた青春!抑制された溜まりに溜まった性欲が今ここに大爆発!鍛え抜かれた健康ボディの少女たちはカラダを汗で艶めかせて、快楽へ向かい一心不乱に腰を振る!水泳、ゴルフ、テニス、バレー、陸上…etc.青春をスポーツに捧げた23名の少女たち全員のSEXが詰まった性春8時間!They sacrificed their youth for sports…Now they can't contain their sexual desires anymore!! Their healthy fit body covered in sweat, is now used to pleasure the gentlemen instead of playing their sports!! Swimmers, Golfers,Tennis players,Volleyball players, tracks, stc…23 girls all giving their life to sports turned whore in everyway possible!