"今回は短髪で素朴な見た目のノンケの営業リーマン君に登場してもらいました。営業の外回り後という事で、彼の下半身はムレムレ。ムレ臭好きのゴーグルマンは早くも興奮MAX!彼の両腕を拘束して身動きの取れない状態にして、スーツのチャックを全開にし夢中で彼のチンポにしゃぶりつく。あまりの吸い付きに彼の敏感チンポは早くも限界をむかえてゴーグルマンの口内にドロッと濃厚ザーメンを発射!!""This time we had a straight salesman with short hair and a simple appearance. It was after a sales trip, so his lower body was very horny. The goggle-eyed man, who loves the smell of unpleasantness, was already excited to the max! I restrained his arms and made him immobile, then opened the zipper of his suit and sucked on his cock like crazy. His sensitive cock is already at its limit, and he shoots a thick load of cum into Goggleman's mouth!"