
STAFF推薦作品!あのジャニ系童顔人気モデルがガチで感じまくる! – Hey動画

クリクリの瞳に愛嬌ある笑顔が素敵なあの童顔人気モデルが再び登場!赤いスパッツ姿の彼をスタッフがメロメロに攻めまくる!濃厚なキスを交わし…相手が男にも関わらずあそこはビンビンに!さらに自ら腰を動かし『はぁはぁ、あぁ、』とエロい吐息が漏れる!さらに四つん這いにさせアナルを舐め乳搾り攻めに敏感に反応!ラストは黒いマットの上でに勢い良く精子をドピッュ!と飛ばしまくる!STAFF推薦作品!The popular baby-faced model with clingy eyes and a charming smile is back again! He's wearing red spats, and the staff is going crazy for him! He kisses him deeply, and even though he's a man, his place down there gets hard! He moves his hips and lets out an erotic gasp, "Hahaha, ahhh!" He gets on all fours, licks his asss, and reacts sensitively to the milking! At the end, he squirts his sperm all over the black mat!
