旦那一筋の貞淑妻「ゆうり」だったが、夫が風俗に行っていることに気付いてしまう。旦那への仕返しでマッチングアプリを始め、知り合った真面目そうな大学生と1度会ってみることに…しかし、それが間違いだった。男にあるものを盛られ、快楽を心と身体に刻み込まれていく「ゆうり」。ありえないほどの快楽を心に刻み込まれ、夫のことを忘れ自らキメセクを求め…ただ堕ちていく。Yuri, a chaste wife who is devoted to her husband, discovers that he has a sex life. To get back at her husband, she starts a matching app and meets a serious-looking college student…but this turns out to be a mistake. Yuri" is given something by a man, and the pleasure is imprinted in her mind and body. She forgets about her husband and seeks out her own kime-sex…only to fall into it.
はだかの主婦 大田区在住推川ゆうり(31) – Hey動画
推川ゆうり31歳。幼馴染で食品会社に勤める夫と結婚し、現在は4人暮らし。飲むと性欲が増すタイプ。いつも自ら夫を誘っているという。でも最近は夜の営みがめっきり減ってしまった。本当はもっとたくさんセックスがしたいし、たまには夫から激しく求められてみたい!取材班がそんな人妻の本音に迫っていく…! Yuri Suikawa is 31 years old. She is married to her husband, a friend who works for a food company, and currently lives with. Her libido increases. She says that she always invites her husband to join her. However, their nighttime activities have decreased drastically in recent years. She would like to have more sex, and would like to be desired more intensely by her husband once in a while! Our investigative team gets close to the true feelings of such a married woman..!
息子の目の前で犯される新妻 – Hey動画