疲れる事を知らない凶悪なセックスマシンに無残にも絶頂させられる吉沢明歩。プライドをズタズタに切り裂く限界突破の絶頂地獄…昇りつめる彼女に追い打ちをかけた懲罰のピストン処刑!!超過激プレイの数々に悶絶…ラストには壮絶失神が待ち受ける。Akiho Yoshizawa is cruelly made to climax by a vicious sex machine that knows no fatigue. Her pride is torn to shreds as she climaxes to the breaking point…and she's on the verge of a punishing piston execution! She faints in agony at the many extreme plays… and at the end, a spectacular fainting spell awaits her.