高級店しか行えないハイレベルで厳選されたサービスの数々、至れり尽くせりのフルコース、どんな性癖の持ち主でも必ず射精させる完璧な凄テク、美人泡姫と過ごす癒しのひとときに日々の喧騒から貴方を解放致します。The high level, carefully selected services can only be provided at this high-class store. The full course of perfect and complete services will make you ejaculate no matter what your sexuality is. And the healing time spent with a beautiful bubbly girl will free you from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
タグ: 吉沢明歩
インターネットの普及に伴って、自己評価を容易に受けることができるようになった昨今、承認欲求と性的欲求の捌け口をSNSに求める女性が急増しているという。イイネ!やコメント欲しさにSNS中毒になっていく現代女性…例えば、自らの局部をネットアップしたり出会いオフ会での男漁り、痴*願望サイトや夫婦の営みのネットアップなど…SNSならではの事例を吉沢明歩がご紹介いたします。In recent years, with the spread of the Internet, it has become easier to receive self-evaluations, and the number of women seeking an outlet for their approval and sexual desires on social networking sites has been increasing rapidly. For example, they are uploading their own private parts on the Internet, searching for men, posting sites where with they desire to be ravished, and uploading their marital activities.
悩める子羊さん達、みんな集まれ〜!業界内でもトップクラスの凄テクを持つあっきーが性のお悩みをズバリ解決致します。「早漏」「包茎」「童貞」「ED」など、真剣なお悩みにあっきー自ら愛情を持って打開策を模索しベストアンサーを導き出し、貴方のために一肌でも二肌でも脱いで差し上げます!Gather around! Aki, who has one of the best techniques in the industry, will solve all of your sexual problems. If you have a serious problem such as premature ejaculation, foreskin, virginity, ED, etc., Aki will lovingly search for a solution and come up with the best answer.
新境地フェティッシュにレジェンド女優が参戦! ドロリとしたたる涎が明歩を深い快楽へと誘う。こってり涎でコーティングされたカラダは体温を敏感に感じとりテンションを上げていく。緩くなったお口で涎フェラ、濃密濃厚なカメラ目線オナニーなど…一本まるごと、明歩の体液を介した性的コミュニケーションを魅せつける!A legendary actress enters a new world of fetish! Drooling invites Akiho to a deep pleasure. Bodies coated with drool as the tension rises. She gives a drooling blowjob and masturbates for the camera…the whole thing is a fascinating display of sexual communication through Akiho's bodily fluids!
デビュー以来、トップ女優として君臨し続けてきた吉沢明歩。移籍後、MAXINGでのリリース本数は遂に100本目に到達した。そんな彼女の今作のテーマは原点回帰。改めてデビュー当時の恥じらい、初々しさを再現。忘れかけていた大事なものが今ここに蘇る!Since her debut, Akiho Yoshizawa has continued to reign as a top actress. After moving to MAXING, she has finally reached her 100th release. The theme of her current work is a return to her roots. Once again, she recreates the embarrassment and innocence of her debut. Something important that she had almost forgotten!
疲れる事を知らない凶悪なセックスマシンに無残にも絶頂させられる吉沢明歩。プライドをズタズタに切り裂く限界突破の絶頂地獄…昇りつめる彼女に追い打ちをかけた懲罰のピストン処刑!!超過激プレイの数々に悶絶…ラストには壮絶失神が待ち受ける。Akiho Yoshizawa is cruelly made to climax by a vicious sex machine that knows no fatigue. Her pride is torn to shreds as she climaxes to the breaking point…and she's on the verge of a punishing piston execution! She faints in agony at the many extreme plays… and at the end, a spectacular fainting spell awaits her.