美大生のつばさです。今回、学校の課題で男性の裸のデッサンをすることになって彼にモデルになってもらうですが、途中で私を求めてきて課題が進まなくて…。 そんな時、悩んでいた私に気づいたお兄ちゃんが声を掛けてくれたんです。そうです…こんな事を相談した私がバカでした。不器用なお兄ちゃんが暴走しちゃって…。My name is Nao, and I am an art student. For a school assignment, I was supposed to do a drawing of a naked man, so I asked my boyfriend to be the model. But, halfway through the assignment, it just working out with him. As I was worrying about what to do, his older brother asked me what was wrong. That's when things got out of control….
「大嫌いな義弟に*され、未知の快楽に堕ちました…。」心はそのまま…身体が入れ替わった相手は旦那の弟 – Hey動画
「つばさ」は大好きな旦那と結婚し幸せな生活を営むはずが、一緒に暮らしている不良の義弟に困らされていた。旦那に遊ぶお金をせびったり、セクハラしたりとやりたい放題の義弟に嫌悪感がつのっていたが、ある日義弟と精神が入れ替わってしまう。旦那にも言えず、苦悩するつばさ…。しかし、人生初の女の身体に味を占めた義弟は、つばさの心と身体を弄んでいく…Tsubasa was supposed to be happily married, but the delinquent brother-in-law she lives with is getting her into trouble. Tsubasa is disgusted by her brother-in-law, who does whatever he pleases, such as begging her husband for money and sexually harassing her. But one day her spirit switches places with his. Tsubasa is in agony, unable to tell her husband… However, Tsubasa's brother-in-law, who has had a taste of a woman's body for the first time, begins to play with Tsubasa's mind and body…