
息子の同級生を妊娠危険日にマンチラ誘惑 – Hey動画

夫は単身赴任。家長不在でもしっかりと家を守り子育てに励む「あき」だったが、学生の一人息子が初めて友達を連れてきたことによって、今まで沈んでいたあきの性欲に火がついてしまう…。ダメだとわかっていても身体が勝手に誘惑し、本能のまま子種をせがみ、ついには雌となって情欲の沼へ堕ちてゆく…。Her husband has moved out on his own. However, when her only son, a student, brings a friend to the house for the first time, Aki's dormant sexual desire is ignited. Even though she knows she shouldn't, her body seduces her on its own, and she begs him to have a baby with her instincts, finally becoming a female and falling into a swamp of lust…


ごめんなさい…どうしようもないほどMなんです。 – Hey動画

自分の両親にこき使われる夫を持つあき。あきも夫に似て押しに弱い性格だ。ある日、飛び込み営業にきたセールスマンから商品を買ってしまうあき。しかし、そのセールスマンはサディスティックな性癖を持つ男であった。セールスをしながらも押しに弱い女を見つけては、マゾリストなる一覧を作成しあきを付け狙うのであった…。Aki has a husband who is used by his own parents. Akiko, like her husband, is a pushover. One day, Aki buys a product from a salesman that was knocking doors. However, the salesman was a man with a real sadistic streak. While selling his products, he finds women who are weak and creates a list of submissive types and targets them after some time…
