「ただいま〜」って声が聞こえたので玄関へ向かうと、そこには隣の奥さんが…。「家は隣ですよ」と帰そうとするが一向に起きる気配なし。よく見ると奥さんはスタイル抜群でとてもエロいカラダつき。魔が差した俺は彼女にそっと悪戯するのだが、それでも全く起きないのでどんどんエスカレートしてしまい…。 I heard a voice saying, "I'm home," so I went to the front door to find the neighbor's wife there…. I tried to tell her that my house was next door, but she showed no sign of getting up. I took a closer look and saw that she had a great style and a very erotic body. I was so excited that I started to play tricks on her, but she never woke up, so I started to escalate the situation….
結婚生活のストレスでノイローゼになり身も心もやさぐれて廃人になった巨乳妻 浜崎真緒 – Hey動画
「真緒」の家庭は○○ができず、義父に何度も嫌味を言われる。彼女を狙っていた義父は、その素晴らしい体を手に入れようと「真緒」に迫る。キッチンで辱めを受けた彼女は人の道を踏み外していく。彼女の異変に気付きながらも、そのボディを堪能していく義父。ついに精神に異常をきたした彼女は… "Mao"'s family is unable to ____, and her stepfather repeatedly harangues her. Her stepfather, who has his eye on her, presses "Mao" to get his hands on her wonderful body. She is humiliated in the kitchen and goes off the beaten path. The stepfather notices something is wrong with her, but continues to enjoy her body. Finally, her mental breakdown leads her to…
夫の寝ている横で義弟と何度も中出しSEXを繰り返すハーフ美爆乳妻 – Hey動画
モラハラの旦那に愛想は既に尽き、セックスレスで欲求不満を募らす妻「レイラン」。しかし、ある日旦那の義弟が家にやってきたことで事態は豹変する。旦那とは違う若々しい身体を気に入ったレイランは義弟を誘惑し、寝ている旦那の横で不倫中出しSEX!たかがはずれ、バレるかもというスリルを愉しみ、性交に明け暮れた誰にも言えない秘密の中出し不貞行為 Leilan, a wife who has run out of love for her morally abusive husband, is frustrated by the lack of sex. One day, however, things change when her husband's brother-in-law comes to their house. She loves her young body, which is different from her husband's, and seduces her brother-in-law and has an affair with him next to her husband.
家賃の代わりに自分の妻を差し出した夫と大家のチ○ポに夢中になった妻 香椎佳穂 – Hey動画
「佳穂」夫妻は家賃を滞納し支払いに困窮していた。そんな彼女に大家は借金のカタにエロ行為を要求する。一度狂った歯車は元には戻らず「佳穂」は大家に寝取られる。そして次第に寝取りチンポに夢中になっていきエロ妻へと変貌していく。しかし実は、それは夫と大家が仕組んだ計画だったのだ…。Mr. and Mrs. "Kaho" were in arrears with their rent and were having trouble paying it. The landlord demands erotic acts from her in exchange for the debt. Once the wheels go crazy, they do not return to normal and "Kaho" is cuckolded by the landlord. And she gradually becomes crazy about the cuckold's cock and is transformed into an erotic wife. However, in fact, it was a plan that the husband and the landlord had made….
可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションで乱れる素人人妻! パート5 – Hey動画
可愛い系の美人妻だけを厳選した自信作。真面目そうな奧さんが、可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションを魅せながら、じんわりとリアルに快楽に浸っていく姿は必見。人妻だから当たり前ではありますが、こんな顔してやることはやっている現実を直視すると・・・、明日から隣の奧さんを見る目が変わります。Only the cutest and most beautiful wives have been carefully selected. Don't miss the sight of the serious-looking housewife, immersed in pleasure while staying charming. It’s natural because she is a married woman, but you need to see it for yourself. This video will change your perspective on MILFs.
可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションで乱れる素人人妻! パート4 – Hey動画
可愛い系の美人妻だけを厳選した自信作。真面目そうな奧さんが、可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションを魅せながら、じんわりとリアルに快楽に浸っていく姿は必見。人妻だから当たり前ではありますが、こんな顔してやることはやっている現実を直視すると・・・、明日から隣の奧さんを見る目が変わります。Only the cutest and most beautiful wives have been carefully selected. Don't miss the sight of the serious-looking housewife, immersed in pleasure while staying charming. It’s natural because she is a married woman, but you need to see it for yourself. This video will change your perspective on MILFs.
不倫チン○にどっぷりハマりラブラブセックスを繰り返す妻に下された罰 弘中優 – Hey動画
「優」は不倫相手の若い男に夢中。彼女の言動を怪しく感じた夫は彼女を尾行し不倫セックスの一部始終を目の当たりにする。しかし夫のチンポは勃起してしまう。そんな事はつゆ知らず、自宅で行為を繰り返す「優」。ある日、情事の後で枕トークを楽しむ彼女らに夫がベッドの下から襲い掛かる…。Yu is infatuated with a young man with whom she is having an affair. Her husband, who finds her behavior suspicious, follows her and witnesses the whole affair. However, her husband's cock becomes erect. Unaware of this, Yuu repeats the act at home. One day, while they are enjoying pillow talk after their affair, her husband attacks them from under the bed…
彼女が2泊3日の旅行で居ない間に既婚者の元カノと3日間ハメまくったイケナイ純愛記録 – Hey動画
結婚して人妻になった元カノ「七海」とは今も付き合いは続いていた。僕の彼女とも友達だし、既に過去の事だと割り切っていると思っていた。しかし、不意打ちでされた突然の接吻で恋心は再燃し始まる秘密の中出し性交!恋人への罪悪感も忘れただガムシャラに求め合った誰にも言えない禁断の3日間!I was still in a relationship with my ex-girlfriend "Nanami," who was married and became a married woman. I thought she and my girlfriend were friends and had already put it behind them. However, a surprise kiss rekindles my love for her, and we begin a secret sexual intercourse! They forget the guilt they feel toward their lover, and they go gaga over each other for three forbidden days that they can't tell anyone about!
私、主人の実弟の精子で妊娠します 小野寺真優 – Hey動画
真優にはある悩みがあった。それは子供が欲しいのに主人が途中で挿入をやめてフェラチオを求めてくること…。子供が欲しくて中に出してほしいのに…。旦那には同級生であり、かつて真優に好意を寄せていた弟がいた。真優は子供欲しさにその思いを利用し家に呼びつけ、弟を誘惑。ついに妊娠計画を実行するのであった…。 Mayu had a problem. She wanted to have, but her husband would stop penetration halfway through and ask her to give him a blow job…. She wants and wants him to come inside her…. Her husband had a younger brother who was a classmate and who once had a crush on Mayu. Mayu takes advantage of her desire for and calls him to her house to seduce him. Finally, she implements her plan to get pregnant….
余命宣告された男が自分の弟の妻を寝取り撮影した記録映像 春日えな – Hey動画
余命宣告を受け自暴自棄になった「えな」の義兄は生きている間だけでも彼女を手に入れようと、彼女を○した動画を撮影し言う事を聞かせた。いびつな関係は続き、ついに行為の最中に夫が帰ってきて修羅場になってしまった。カッとなった夫は兄を手に掛け、そして「えな」までも…。Desperate after being told she did not have long to live, "Ena's" brother-in-law, in an attempt to get his hands on her while she was still alive, put her on video, ask her to do what he told her. The relationship continued to deteriorate, and finally, during the act, her husband returned home and things got ugly. In a fit of rage, her husband takes his hands on her brother, and even "Ena"….