
極太巨根のノンケ君がリーマン姿で登場。 – Hey動画


"仕事終わりにスーツのままスタジオに来てくれました。両手を拘束して撮影スタート。チ〇ポのデカさはお墨付き!!パンツの上からでも分かるもっこり具合は半端ないです。手が自由に動かせずゴーグルマンに責められ、興奮状態でMっ気発動。女の子では味わえない男だから分かる気持ちい場所を責められ最後にはゴーグルマン目がけて白くて濃いザーメンを発射!!""""He came to the studio in his suit after work. I restrained his hands and started shooting. The size of his dick is unmistakable! You can see the size of his dick from his pants. I can't move my hands freely, and the supporting man attacks me. I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's a great idea to have a good time with your friends and family. """


    Hey動画 G-EAGLE

    投稿!自画撮りSEX!!りゅう&かずや – Hey動画


    SEX投稿来ました!!撮影好きのドスケベ青年の自宅で収録された25歳・りゅうと23歳かずやのSEX!!もーひたすらチンポしゃぶって、乳首しゃぶって、キスして、チンポ挿入して。。。細身のりゅうがフィニッシュ!そして受けのかずやは自分でシコッテフィニッシュ!!20代のSEXを覗き見気分でどうぞ!!Here comes a SEX post! 25 year old Ryu and 23 year old Kazuya have sex at the home of a dirty young man who likes to take pictures! They just keep sucking cock, sucking nipples, kissing, and inserting their dicks in each other. The slender Ryu reaches the finish line first! And Kazuya, on bottom, finishes after stroking himself! You'll feel a little naughty, like you're peeking into the sex of young 20-somethings.


      Hey動画 G-EAGLE

      STAFF推薦作品!整った顔立ちのスジ筋イケメン19才職人が声を荒げ『ヤバイ…気持ちいい…』 – Hey動画


      カコカワ…真面目そう…優しそう…小顔…そんな今風イケメン職人19才をガチナン!仕事で鍛え上げた肉体美は必見!無駄のないスジ筋BODY!体毛も少ないツル美肌☆そんな彼にはエロパンに着替えてもらい…AVを流し…次第に興奮してくるチンコ…乳首を弄り…少しくすぐったそうにする姿も可愛い♥次第に快感の声が漏れるようになり…ローションを使うとアソコはビンビンに!!前曲がりの結構なデカマラを咥え…「あぁ…気持ちいい…」ラストは一気に扱きまくり、濃厚精子を快感フィニッシュしちゃいます!!STAFF推薦作品です☆He's cute… he's serious… he's kind… he's got a small face… he's the kind of handsome craftsman you can't resist! You can't miss the beauty of his body that he has developed through his work! You'll be able to see that he's got a great body and a beautiful skin with very little body hair. I'm sure you'll love it. He sucks a big cock in his mouth… "Oh… it feels so good…" Hhe finishes with a thick sperm! Recommended by our staff!


        Hey動画 G-EAGLE

        昼下がりのチンポ遊び 飯沼朗vol.10 – Hey動画


        デカマラが人気の飯沼朗クンのオナニーもすでに10回目!!単調かと思いきや、ファンにはこれがいいのだそうです!!ホントにあどけない顔して凄いチンポのギャップに萌えてしまうのです!!ラストもお約束!いつものように顔を快感に歪ませて激しく射精!!デカマラ青年のオナニーをお楽しみください!!Akira Iinuma, whose big penis is very popular, has already masturbated for us ten times! You'd think things would get repetitive after a while, but his fans love him for it! You can't help but be impressed by the gap between his innocent face and his amazing cock! It's not an Akira post without his last scene! I'm sure you've seen this before, as he contorts his face in pleasure and spurts out a wad of thick, hot jizz!. Please enjoy the masturbation of a young man with a big dick!


          Hey動画 G-EAGLE

          ANALSEXFUN!!49 三咲&由良vol.2 – Hey動画


          すっかり定番!!三咲と由良クンのSEXシリーズ!!今回も2人は熱いキスとフェラチオで興奮を極限状態にさせてから、いきり立った三咲のチンポが由良クンのケツにずっぽり!!!!由良クンのでっかいあえぎ声に気持ちのよさが分かります!!由良君は女のように「あぁ〜ん!あぁ〜ん!!」と終始よがりまくり!!三咲も濃い精液をたっぷり放出してすっきり!!必見です!!It's a classic! Misaki and Yura's sex series. Again, they kiss and suck each other and take their excmovieent to 11, and then Misaki gets plunged into Yura's ass! Yura's loud panting voice shows just how amazing he must be feeling! Yura moans out loud like a woman, "Ahhhh! Aaahhh!" from beginning to end. Misaki also lets out a lot of thick jizz and feels refreshed! This is a must-see!


            Hey動画 G-EAGLE

            二丁目の某有名ゲイバーのワイルド男前マスターが登場!! – Hey動画


            "今回は新宿二丁目の人気店のイケメンマスターさんが登場してくださいました!ゲイににも関わらず、そのワイルドで男らしいルックスと気さくな性格で、ゲイだけでなく、ストレートの女性ファンも多いんだとか!スーツからおチ〇ポを引っ張り出すと、立派な極太の亀頭が露わに!ゴーグルマンがたまらずしゃぶりつくと、太い男らしい声で感じるマスター。最後は濃厚なザーメンをゴーグルマンの顔にドロッとかけてFINISH!!""""This time, we have a handsome master from a popular restaurant in Shinjuku 2-chome! Even though he is gay, his wild and masculine looks and friendly personality attracts not only gay customers but also straight female fans! When he pulled his dick out of his suit, his magnificent thick glans was exposed! The supporting man couldn't resist sucking on it, and the master made a thick, masculine sound. """


              Hey動画 G-EAGLE

              可愛らしい童顔ジャニ系のチンコの膨張率ヤバし!どんどんデカくなる! – Hey動画


              可愛らしい顔立ちに、キュートなジャニ系学生をガチナン!最初はかなり警戒していた彼を時間をかけ交渉成立!服を脱ぐとツルスベの美肌を曝け出し本編へ…最初は緊張でなかなか立たないあそこ…パンツの上からなぞるように亀頭を弄る…ローションを使いニュルニュル…時間をかけゆっくり触りまくる…すると次第に萎えていたチンコも半起ちになり…さらに弄ると…いつしか極太長の巨根に!!亀頭を弄り時に激しく扱く!!ラストは快感の絶頂で勢い良く快感射精しちゃいます☆We picked up a cute effeminate student with a cute face! He was a bit wary at first, but it took a while to get him to negotiate! When he takes off his clothes, he exposes his smooth, beautiful skin, and we get down to business… At first, he's so nervous that he can hardly stand up… I play with his glans as if I'm tracing it over his pants… I use lube and nip it… I take my time. The more I played with it, the thicker and longer it became. He plays with the glans and sometimes works it hard! At the end, he ejaculates with great pleasure at the climax of pleasure.


                Hey動画 G-EAGLE

                投稿!自画撮りオナニー たくやvol.2 – Hey動画


                スリムで筋肉質のたくやクンのオナニー2発目!!自室で毎日やっているのと同じシチュエーションでやってもらいました!!均整の取れた体つきの青年が毎晩繰り広げるオナニー・・・。想像するだけでムラムラしてきます!!でかいチンポをこれでもかと見せつけ、激しく噴射する精液に興奮必至です!!Slim and muscular Takuya masturbates for the second time! We had him stroke himself as he would normally do by himself in his room! A young man with a well-proportioned body masturbates every night… It's all you can do not to get excited at the thought. You can't help but get turned on when he shows off his big dick and spurts his jizz!


                  Hey動画 G-EAGLE

                  投稿!自画撮りオナニー たくやvol.1 – Hey動画


                  ニューヒーローデビュー!!スリムで筋肉質のたくやクンからの投稿オナニー!!この後怒涛のように登場しますが、初回は挨拶代わりに風呂場でのオナニーを!!身体に悩ましいポーズで泡を付け、体とチンポを撫で回すたくやクンはエロエロ青年!!鏡に映っている自分の姿に興奮しつつ、「いくっ!!いくっ!!」といいながらブシュッと精液を放出!!今後が楽しみな変態青年デビューです!!ご期待ください!!【ご注意】この作品はスマホを縦にした撮影のため、画角が不自然ですが、撮影時からのものですのでご容赦ください。New Hero Debut! Contributing masturbation post from the slim and muscular Takuya! He's going to be rising in the rankings after this, but for the first installment, he's going to masturbate in the bathroom as a greeting! With bubbles on his body in a distressing pose, Takuya strokes his body and his cock, an erotic young man! He's excited to see his reflection in the mirror, and he says, "Oh fuck, I'm cumming! He shoots his jizz into the air! This is the debut of a perverted young man with a lot to look forward to! Please look forward to it! [Note] Please note that the angle of view in this video is unnatural because it was shot with the phone in portrait mode.


                    Hey動画 G-EAGLE

                    投稿!自画撮りオナニー 天vol.6 – Hey動画


                    おなじみ天クンのエロオナニー投稿!!今回もベッドで全裸でチンポを扱きまくり!!余りの気持ちよさに我を忘れてシコシコシコシコ!!切ない吐息でひたすらシコシコ!!フィニッシュは「ハァハァ」しながら今回もおなかの上に大量射精!!トイレでのほう尿シーンも収録されています!!そして天クンからのメッセージも!!お楽しみください!!This is another erotic masturbation post by the well-known Ten! This time, he's naked on the bed, working his cock! He forgets himself in the sea of pleasure he drowns in, as he finishes off with a massive ejaculation on his stomach while huffing and puffing! And there's even a scene of his urinating in the toilet! And a message from Ten! Enjoy!

