
ガチ☆イケメン兄弟 初アナル解禁×W男の娘デビュー!! – Hey動画

まさかまさか!本物兄弟が女装子になってAV出演!しかも…お互いのアナルにチンポを入れてもらいSEXまでしてもらいました!兄は男らしく、女性経験も豊富。弟は控えめな性格だけど性欲は旺盛で兄よりもビンビン我慢汁ダラダラです。一体ナゼ彼らがAVに出ることになったのか?その理由はぜひ本編にてご確認ください!No way, no how! Real brothers in porn as transvestites! And… they even had sex with each other, cock in ass and all! The older brother is a manly man’s man with a lot of experience with women. The younger brother is more reserved, but his libido is super high, and he is even more eager and patient than his older brother. Why on earth did they decide to go into porn? Please check out the full story to find out why!


ギャル女装子、誕生。 逆三角形細マッチョの初めてのアナルSEX すばる君 19才 – Hey動画

「女には不自由したことがない」というヤリチンがメンズラボにやってきました。逆三角形細マッチョの遊んでる系イケメンです。もちろんノンケで初アナルファックです。チャラいからか、ギャルがドハマリです。普段はSだと豪語する彼も、立場が変われば女のようにドMになって鳴きまくるギャップが最高でしたねwwwA slut who says he’s never had a shortage of women has come to us at Men’s Lab. He’s a handsome guy with an upside-down triangular body, macho! Of course, he’s a hetero dude and this is first anal fuck. Maybe it’s because he’s gaudy, but “gyaru” is a great way to describe him. It was great to see the gap between him, who usually claims to be the dominant one, squealing around like a woman as soon as he switched positions.


ノンケ超絶美少年女装子、中出し輪姦5連発デビュー!!KENTA 19才 – Hey動画

大学生1年生、170cm、50kgとスレンダーなKENTA君、19才。女としかH経験はないが「幼い時にふざけあって男同士でキスしたことがあり、すごく興奮した」と男にも興味津々。今でも思い出してオナニーするらしい。「自分はMだと思う」と言うので、初アナルにも関らず、複数の男たちで襲っちゃいました。KENTA, 19 years old, first year college student, 5’ 7”, 110 lbs., slender. Although he has only had sex with women, he is also interested in men. He said, “when I was a little boy, I would joke around and kiss other boys, and that was really exciting.” He still jacks off to those memories. He said that he “thinks of himself as a bit of a submissive,” so we attacked him with a bunch of guys, even though it was his first time with anal.


素人ガチゲイカップル☆W女装子になってAV共演デビュー!! – Hey動画

ガチのゲイカップルが登場!「若い自分たちを映像に残しておきたい」というのが応募のキッカケだが、「女装して綺麗になってみたい」という願望もあるようで、そのどちらも実現させてあげました。草食系巨根のレンくん、野球部の先輩に初体験を奪われたナオキくん、2人のプライベートSEXに加えAV男優との3Pまで!!Real, Live Gay Couple ☆ Double AV Debut as Trannies!


女の子より断然可愛い女装美少年が訳アリ街頭逆ナンパデビュー!!ひかるクン(仮名)20歳 – Hey動画

初の女装子逆ナンパ企画ドキュメント。完全ノンケイケメンひかるが男の娘になってAV出演を決意!しかし、逆ナンパとは当日聞かされビックリ。女の子もナンパしたことのないひかるは悩むが、彼女との結婚資金を稼ぐ為にチャレンジ。とてもシャイな彼だが、女も羨む美貌を武器に男は次々と捕まり…。This is our first documentary-style reverse pick-up project for a crossdressing person. The completely hetero and handsome Hikaru becomes a trap and decides to make an appearance in our porno! However, he is surprised when he is told on the day that he is going to go out on a reverse pick-up. Hikaru, who has never even pick up a girl before, is troubled. But, he takes on the challenge to earn enough money to throw a wedding for his girlfriend. He is very shy, but with his beauty the envy of any woman, he pulls in men from all other the place…


爽やかマッチョ美少年!某有名私立大学現役サッカー部員が男の娘になってAVデビュー!! – Hey動画

長身マッチョ美少年・RIKIYAクンが鮮烈のAVデビュー! 色気ムンムンの顔にサッカーで鍛え上げられた肉体が女装により淫靡に変貌!初めて男性に躰を弄られたRIKIYAクンだが乳首を弄られると敏感に感じ、チンポびんびんで射精披露!初めてのアナルセックスで3Pまで経験しちゃう逸材誕生です!The tall, macho, beautiful boy RIKIYA makes an impressive AV debut! RIKIYA’s sexy face and soccer-trained body are transformed into a lewd and lascivious woman. His body is toyed with by a man for the first time in his life, but when his nipples are played with, he gets sensitive and starts cumming out of his thick cock! RIKIYA’s first anal experience leads to a threesome.


2017年度No.1男の娘 降臨。TAO – Hey動画

引き締まった体にキュートな笑顔。性格も◎の超美形女装子、降臨!間違いなく今年度NO.1の逸材!アナルは経験が無いということでじっくりホジホジ。穴が開いたら極太チンポをドーン!苦しそうな顔してましたが徐々に気持ち良くなって、精子をピュッピュ飛ばしながらアヘ顔になってました!変態の素質あるよTAOくん!A body toned, and a smile cute as can be. A super-beautiful transvestite with a good personality is coming your way! He is definitely one of the best of the year! He has never had anal, so he needs to take some time. As his gaping hole slowly opens up, the thick cock jams right up in there! He looked like he was in pain, but gradually he started to feel better and better, and then he started to cum rope after rope, all over the place, his face contorted in the pleasure. You have the making of a pervert, TAO!


ど素人ノンケ男の娘!処女ケツ穴はキツキツでガマン汁は、塩っぽくておいしいぞ!女より男とセックスしたくなるような体にさせてみる・・・ – Hey動画



Be My Bride… ウェディングドレスに憧れ続けた美少年 女装子DEBUT 葵23歳 – Hey動画



You'll get the Victory!!! コーチと教え子 決戦前日の秘密のレッスン – Hey動画

フィギュアスケート選手の主人公は、憧れだった選手、ロシアが生んだ天才スケーターをコーチに迎え、国際大会の決勝戦まで駒を進めた。主人公はコーチに特別な感情を抱いていた。微妙な空気のまま決戦前日を迎えた2人。コーチは彼を、とある場所に連れ出すのだった…。2.5次元BLAV、ここに登場!!The main character of this piece, a figure skater, has reached the finals of an international competition with the athlete he always admired, a prodigy skater from Russia, who is also his coach. The protagonist always had special feelings for his coach. The two of them reach the day before the decisive competition with a delicate air about them. The coach takes him out to a certain place… We bring you the best in cosplay BL AV, today!
