
私、主人の実弟の精子で妊娠します 小野寺真優 – Hey動画

真優にはある悩みがあった。それは子供が欲しいのに主人が途中で挿入をやめてフェラチオを求めてくること…。子供が欲しくて中に出してほしいのに…。旦那には同級生であり、かつて真優に好意を寄せていた弟がいた。真優は子供欲しさにその思いを利用し家に呼びつけ、弟を誘惑。ついに妊娠計画を実行するのであった…。 Mayu had a problem. She wanted to have, but her husband would stop penetration halfway through and ask her to give him a blow job…. She wants and wants him to come inside her…. Her husband had a younger brother who was a classmate and who once had a crush on Mayu. Mayu takes advantage of her desire for and calls him to her house to seduce him. Finally, she implements her plan to get pregnant….


余命宣告された男が自分の弟の妻を寝取り撮影した記録映像 春日えな – Hey動画

余命宣告を受け自暴自棄になった「えな」の義兄は生きている間だけでも彼女を手に入れようと、彼女を○した動画を撮影し言う事を聞かせた。いびつな関係は続き、ついに行為の最中に夫が帰ってきて修羅場になってしまった。カッとなった夫は兄を手に掛け、そして「えな」までも…。Desperate after being told she did not have long to live, "Ena's" brother-in-law, in an attempt to get his hands on her while she was still alive, put her on video, ask her to do what he told her. The relationship continued to deteriorate, and finally, during the act, her husband returned home and things got ugly. In a fit of rage, her husband takes his hands on her brother, and even "Ena"….


可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションで乱れる素人人妻! パート3 – Hey動画

可愛い系の美人妻だけを厳選した自信作。真面目そうな奧さんが、可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションを魅せながら、じんわりとリアルに快楽に浸っていく姿は必見。人妻だから当たり前ではありますが、こんな顔してやることはやっている現実を直視すると・・・、明日から隣の奧さんを見る目が変わります。Only the cutest and most beautiful wives have been carefully selected. Don't miss the sight of the serious-looking housewife, immersed in pleasure while staying charming. It’s natural because she is a married woman, but you need to see it for yourself. This video will change your perspective on MILFs.


街角の綺麗でお金持ちそうな人妻さんにインタビューと偽り事務所に連れ込んで仕掛けたエロトリップでメ〜ロメロにして中出し性交! かりなさん29歳 – Hey動画

今日もエッチができそうな女性を街角で探す。そこにお金持ちそうできれいな女性が…。いつものように取材と称して事務所に来てもらったのは、明日で30歳になるという人妻のかりなさん。旦那はアパレルショップのオーナー。若い頃はヤンチャだったという彼女は経験人数は30人という。そんな人妻のエロスイッチを入れることに今回も成功した! I look for a woman on the street corner who looks like she could have sex with me today. A beautiful woman who looks rich there…. As usual, I asked Karina, a married woman who will turn 30 tomorrow, to come to my office for what I call an interview. Her husband is the owner of an apparel store. She says that she used to be a young and wild woman, and that she has had 30 sexual encounters. We succeeded this time in turning on the erotic switch of such a married woman!


隣の奥さん 夫と間違えて、「中に出して、ヌルヌルさせて!」とムリヤリ発射 加山なつこ 安立ゆうこ 竹内梨恵 – Hey動画

隣の奥さんが、間違って自分の家に!どうやら自分を旦那さんと勘違いしているご様子…。奥さんは有無を言わさず玄関でフェラ抜き。部屋でオナニーした挙句、構わずセックス!旦那と間違えたと気付いたみたいだが、なぜか無性に好かれてしまった。加山なつこ・竹内梨恵・安立ゆうこの巨乳・美乳熟女3人完全撮りおろし全3話収録。 The neighbor's wife is at her house by mistake! She seems to have mistaken herself for her husband…. The wife does not say whether or not she wants to, and then she blows him off at the door. After masturbating in her room, she has sex with him! She seems to have realized that she mistook him for her husband, but for some reason he likes her irresistibly. Included are 3 stories of Natsuko Kayama, Rie Takeuchi, and Yuko Adachi, 3 mature women with big tits and beautiful breasts, all completely filmed and unedited.


可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションで乱れる素人人妻! パート2 – Hey動画

可愛い系の美人妻だけを厳選した自信作。真面目そうな奧さんが、可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションを魅せながら、じんわりとリアルに快楽に浸っていく姿は必見。人妻だから当たり前ではありますが、こんな顔してやることはやっている現実を直視すると・・・、明日から隣の奧さんを見る目が変わります。Only the cutest and most beautiful wives have been carefully selected. Don't miss the sight of the serious-looking housewife, immersed in pleasure while staying charming. It’s natural because she is a married woman, but you need to see it for yourself. This video will change your perspective on MILFs.


はだかの主婦 大田区在住推川ゆうり(31) – Hey動画

推川ゆうり31歳。幼馴染で食品会社に勤める夫と結婚し、現在は4人暮らし。飲むと性欲が増すタイプ。いつも自ら夫を誘っているという。でも最近は夜の営みがめっきり減ってしまった。本当はもっとたくさんセックスがしたいし、たまには夫から激しく求められてみたい!取材班がそんな人妻の本音に迫っていく…! Yuri Suikawa is 31 years old. She is married to her husband, a friend who works for a food company, and currently lives with. Her libido increases. She says that she always invites her husband to join her. However, their nighttime activities have decreased drastically in recent years. She would like to have more sex, and would like to be desired more intensely by her husband once in a while! Our investigative team gets close to the true feelings of such a married woman..!


むせかえる女の匂い 俺の嫁の母 したたる 華月さくら 篠宮千明 浦野明美 – Hey動画

嫁は不在。嫁の母と二人だけの空間。熟れた身体を見せつけるかのように振る舞う俺の嫁の母。俺の抑えきれない欲望に呼応するかのように、嫁の母の淫らな欲望はみるみるうちに開花していく。性に目覚め肉棒を一心不乱にむさぼる姿は「嫁の母」ではなく性にまみれた只の「淫乱性欲オンナ」であった…。‘完全撮り下し’浦野明美、篠宮千明、華月さくら、3話収録!! Wife is absent. It's just the two of us with my wife's mother. My wife's mother acts as if she is showing off her ripe body. As if in response to my uncontrollable desire, my wife's mother's lewd desires blossomed in a flash. She is not my wife's mother, but just a sex-crazed "lecherous and lustful woman"…. Includes 3 stories by Akemi Urano, Chiaki Shinomiya, and Sakura Hanazuki!


可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションで乱れる素人人妻! パート1 – Hey動画

可愛い系の美人妻だけを厳選した自信作。真面目そうな奧さんが、可愛らしくも色気のあるリアクションを魅せながら、じんわりとリアルに快楽に浸っていく姿は必見。人妻だから当たり前ではありますが、こんな顔してやることはやっている現実を直視すると・・・、明日から隣の奧さんを見る目が変わります。Only the cutest and most beautiful wives have been carefully selected. Don't miss the sight of the serious-looking housewife, immersed in pleasure while staying charming. It’s natural because she is a married woman, but you need to see it for yourself. This video will change your perspective on MILFs.


中出し人妻不倫旅行 小早川怜子 – Hey動画

整った顔立ち、極上のくびれ、Iカップの乳房、品のある仕草。全てが完璧に見える人妻、怜子さん。日頃の生活に何一つ不自由などなく、満たされていそうに見える。しかし、神秘さえ感じるその瞳の奥には隠し切れぬ淫らな情熱があった。一夜の過ちで彼女が魅せた情欲に熔けた顔。その表情こそ、もしかしたら真実の顔なのかも知れない。 Well-formed face, superb neckline, I-cup breasts, and elegant gestures. Everything about Reiko, a married woman, looks perfect. She seems to be content in her daily life without any inconvenience. However, behind those mysterious eyes, there is a lewd passion that cannot be hidden. The look of lust on her face that she showed after one night's mistake. Perhaps that expression is the face of truth.
