
ヤンチャ系男子が初登場!!初の男責めに大興奮!!溜まりまくった精子を大量発射!! – Hey動画


ヤンチャ系男子が初登場!!ヤンチャな雰囲気がたまらなく可愛い彼をスタッフが責めまくっちゃいました!インタビュー、身体チェックと順調に進み初の男責めへ・・スタッフが身体を触り始めると即アソコはビンビンに・・さらに乳首→チンコと舐めまくると感じまくる場面も・・最後はあまりの気持ち良さに耐えられず濃厚精子を大量に発射!!A naughty boy makes his first appearance! He's so cute with a naughty vibe, and our staff members are really into him! The interview and body check went well, and then we started to blame him. When the staff started to touch him, his place down there was immediately hard.


    Hey動画 G-EAGLE

    先日、衝撃のデビューを果たしたばかりのイケメン体育会系男子が再び参戦!! – Hey動画


    先日、衝撃のデビューを果たしたばかりのイケメン体育会系男子が再び参戦!!ハンパない性欲をした彼を某デパートの個室トイレに連れ込み一発抜いてもらっちゃいました☆休日なだけあって人通りの多いデパートのトイレ・・まさかこんなことが白昼行われているとは・・想像しただけでエロいっす☆スタッフが身体を触るとすでにアソコはビンビン!!さらにジックリとフェラ・・最後はあまりの気持ち良さに耐えられず濃厚精子を大量に発射!!The other day, a handsome gymnast who had just made a shocking debut entered the scene again! We took him to a private restroom in a department store and had him take a shot… It was a holiday and there were a lot of people in the restroom. When the staff touches his body, his place down there is already hard, and he fucks him carefully… At the end, he can't stand the feeling and shoots a lot of thick sperm!


      Hey動画 G-EAGLE

      レスリング経験者の餃子耳スーツBOYを拘束&快楽責めに!! – Hey動画


      "今回は爽やかな雰囲気のイケメンスーツBOY君に登場してもらいました!彼はレスリング経験者だそうで、厳しい現役時代の練習のせいもあってホモ受け抜群の餃子耳!ゴーグルマンに丁寧に上から下まで愛撫された後は、後ろでをがっちり固定拘束して動けない状態に!スーツのチャックからムレムレの肉棒を引っ張り出すと、男の臭いを楽しみながら夢中になってしゃぶりまくるゴーグルマン。お次は刺激の強い電マ責めで、チンポの感覚が無くなるまでブルブル刺激し続けます!ラストは超濃厚のザーメンを大量にまき散らしてフィニッシュ!!""This time, we've got a handsome boy with a fresh atmosphere! He's an experienced wrestler, and because of his rigorous training during his working days, he's got the perfect homoerotic dumpling ears! After Goggleman carefully caresses him from top to bottom, he's locked up behind him, unable to move! Goggleman pulls a horny stick out of the zipper of his suit and sucks on it like crazy while enjoying the smell of man. The next step is a stimulating electric masturbation session that will keep you buzzing until you can't feel your cock anymore! Lastly, he finishes with a big splash of super thick cum!"


        Hey動画 G-EAGLE

        ピッチピチスーツを着たHIROYA君が拘束されて地獄のデンマ責めで悶絶昇天射精!! – Hey動画


        "大人気のHIROYA君がBodyBeatに登場してくれました!今回はピチピチのエロスリムスーツを着てもらっての撮影で、いつもより大人の雰囲気の彼をお楽しみいただけると思います。撮影が始まり、全身をねっとりと愛撫していくと早くも彼のあそこはパンパンになり、スーツがはち切れそう!後ろ手を拘束をして、何も抵抗できなくなったところを、敏腕ゴーグルマンが地獄のデンマ責め!あまりの気持ち良さに声をあげて顔をゆがめまくるHIROYA君。ラストはグチョグチョいやらしい音を立てながら、一番敏感な亀頭を磨き責めて、大量のザーメンをぶっ放してFINISH!!""The very popular HIROYA-kun has appeared on BodyBeat! This time, he wore a tight, erotic slim suit for the shoot, so you can enjoy his more mature atmosphere. As we start filming and caressing him all over his body, his hole is already so full that his suit looks like it's about to be ripped off! When he can't resist anything with his hands tied behind his back, the talented goggle man gives him a hell of a electric massager assault! Hiroya's face twists and turns as he screams from the sheer pleasure of it all. Hiroya's face twists and turns as he screams and squeals with pleasure. At the end, he polishes his sensitive glans while making squishy sounds and shoots his cum all over the place."


          Hey動画 G-EAGLE

          昼下がりのチンポ遊び クリスvol.2 – Hey動画


          クリスのチンポ遊びは、大型オナホールで擬似SEX!!でっかいケツの形をしたオナホールに興味津々!!早速でかいチンポを挿入して腰を振ってみたら・・・。結構な気持ちよさにうっとりしながら腰振りまくり!!吐息が激しくなってきて、フィニッシュはオナホのケツの上に大量発射!!オナホシリーズ、やらしいかも。Chris' cock game today turns into pseudo-sex with a true-to-life masturbator! He was very curious about a masturbator in the shape of a big ass. He plunges his big cock into it and shakes his hips back and forth. It felt so good, he swoons to the feeling and thrusts his hips around even more! He breathes heavily, and finishes by shooting a huge load of cum all over the masturbator's ass! This masturbator series might just end up turning pretty dirty.


            Hey動画 G-EAGLE

            投稿!自画撮りオナニー 飯沼朗vol.1 – Hey動画


            小柄な細い体に似合わない、ため息が出るほどぶっといチンポをもつ飯沼朗クンが、ついに自宅でのオナニーを撮影投稿!!勝手が違うのか戸惑いながらもチンポはビンビン!!嬉しくなる勃起力でフィニッシュは切ない声で射精するのがお約束!!自室での秘密の行為をお楽しみください!!Akira Iinuma, who has a sigh-worthy cock that doesn't match his petite, thin body, has finally posted a video of himself masturbating at home! He's a little confused about what he's doing, but his dick is still hard! His smile-inducing erection pumps up and down for a finale as he yells out in a bittersweet cry. Please enjoy this private moment!


              Hey動画 G-EAGLE

              爽やか真面目系!!イケメン好青年をGET!!初登場にしてこのエロさ!必見です☆ – Hey動画


              爽やか真面目系!!イケメン好青年のスカウトに大成功!!日焼けした肌にスレンダーな身体・・極上です☆笑 そんな彼をスタジオで責めまくっちゃいました!インタビュー、身体チェックと順調に進み初の男責めへ・・スタッフが身体を触り始めると即アソコはビンビンに・・さらに乳首→チンコと舐めまくると感じまくる場面も・・最後はあまりの気持ち良さに耐えられず濃厚精子を大量に発射!!Fresh and serious type! We were very successful in scouting a handsome young man! He has tanned skin and a slender body… He's superb! We had a lot of fun with him in the studio! The interview and body check went well, and then we went to the first man's torture. When the staff started to touch his body, his place down there was immediately hard.


                Hey動画 G-EAGLE

                ザーメンシャワーで大人気の爽やか体育会系男子がバスルームで濃厚オナニーを披露!! – Hey動画


                あのザーメンシャワーで大人気の爽やか体育会系男子がバスルームで過激すぎる濃厚オナニーを初披露!!バスルームで響き渡る彼のエロい声・・ジックリとシゴキ上げる姿は必見です☆最後は超豪快!!大量ザーメンを勢いよく発射!!!This is the first time that the fresh, athletic guy who is so popular for his cum showers shows off his extreme, intense masturbation in the bathroom! His erotic voice echoing in the bathroom and the way he squirms and squirms is a must-see. The last one is a massive cum shot!


                  Hey動画 G-EAGLE

                  ラウンド髭の営業マンがゴリゴリゴーグルマンに濃厚ザーメン大放出 – Hey動画


                  "梅雨も明け汗滴りながら営業に走るリーマンも性欲には勝てずサクッとスッキリしに来てくれました。感度も良くゴーグルマンに責められるたびに気持ちよさそうに喘ぎ、手枷で手の自由を奪い好き勝手にいじられまくってしまいます。チャックを下し大きくなったチンコの先は我慢汁で糸をひき電マで刺激を与えながらフェラでさらに気持ち良く声も上がります。最後はゴーグルマンに我慢できずザーメンぶっかけちゃいました。""The rainy season is over, and the man who runs to business while dripping with sweat can't overcome his sexual desire and came to refresh himself quickly. The sensitivity is good, and every time it is attacked on the goggle man, it pouts pleasantly, and the freedom of the hand is taken away by the manacle, and it is teased all over as it likes. The tip of the cock which became large with the chuck down is threaded with endurance juice, and the voice rises more pleasantly by the blowjob while giving stimulation with the electric hammer. At the end, he couldn't hold back and sprayed the goggle man with cum."


                    Hey動画 G-EAGLE

                    水も滴るいい男のイケメンリーマン、仕事の中抜けでさくっとスッキリ!! – Hey動画


                    "大雨の中、雨と汗で濡れたイケメンリーマンが中抜けでサクッと抜きに登場。パツパツのスーツ姿がとてもエッチで電車の中で見かけたら痴漢したくなります(笑)蒸れたパンツから上ぞり硬マラが。。。手枷で手の自由を奪いガチガチになったチンコをゴーグルマンが咥え、さらに電マで振動MAXで当て気持ちよさそうな表情を見てくれます。最後は、我慢できなくなりどっとザーメンをぶちまけて仕事に戻ってしまいました。""In the heavy rain, a handsome man who is wet with rain and sweat appears in the middle of the train to pull out quickly. The man is wearing a tight suit, which makes me want to play with him when I see him on the train. The goggle man sucks the cock which took away the freedom of the hand with the manacle and became stiff, and furthermore, it applies it with the vibration MAX with the electric machine and sees the expression which seems to be pleasant. At the end, he couldn't take it any longer and went back to his work, spilling his cum all over the place."

