超小型高性能カメラが仕掛けられたラブホテルで、昼夜を問わず密会を繰り広げる男女たち。その中でも人妻と思われる盗撮のみを集めたこの「人妻リアル不倫 流出ラブホ盗撮」シリーズ。ド爆乳でしかも不貞な男たちと密会してしまう、断れない人妻たち。そんな人妻の真昼のリアル痴態を盗撮!!真昼のサービスタイムで家計に優しい感じで不倫をしてしまう人妻たち!!今回はど素人の癖にやらかしている人妻たちを厳選して収録!!
カテゴリー: EAGLE
サービス業ならお手のもの? 某大手ファーストフード店員の向井しほが大人の接客業界に祝入店!チアやブルマや和服など様々なコスで、あなたの快楽中枢をフルスイングしちゃいます。ご奉仕中についつい挿入も受け入れてしまったり、過剰なサービス精神に感謝感激デス!Do you know your way around the service industry? Shiho Mukai, who used to work at a major fast food restaurant, has just entered the adult customer service industry. She's wearing a variety of costumes, including cheerleader, bloomers, and kimono, and is ready to put your pleasure center in full swing. She'll also be able to insert herself into your body while serving you. You'll be very grateful for her over-the-top service!
妻は退屈していた…変わらない日常、毎日同じことのルーチン…そして夫の愛情も感じることが出来ずにいた彼女は刺激を欲して夫以外の男とも関係を持ってしまう…その行為すらもルーチン化しつつある、とある日の出来事だった…見知らぬ男の訪問、集団セックス…男たちの玩具となった不徳な妻と愛情表現の屈折した夫の今後の行く末は…。This wife is bored with her life… the same routine, the same day in and day out… and unable to feel her husband's love and affection, she begins to have relations with men other than her husband for stimulation… and even this act is becoming routine. One day, an unknown man visits her, and then group of men humiliate her… What will become of this immoral wife who has become a toy for men, and her husband who refuses to express his love?
"色白美肌のスレンダーえりかちゃんは、ホテルに連れ込むのが難しそうな箱入りお嬢様系。だが本性は、年相応にエッチに興味津々な純粋女。そこをハメ撮り趣味の変態オヤジに付け込まれ、ホテルで敏感なカラダを好き放題にいじくりまわされてしまう。ねちっこい責めで何度も即イキをされ、あられもない嬌声を放ってガクガクと悶絶を繰り返すえりかちゃん。オヤジチ●ポを生でねじ込まれ、イキ方をたっぷり仕込まれてしまうのだった……。"Erika, a slender, fair-skinned girl, is the type of young lady in a box who seems difficult to bring to a hotel. However, in her true nature, she is a pure girl who is interested in sex, just like her age. A perverted old man who likes to take advantage of her, and he teases her sensitive body as much as he wants in a hotel room. Erika is repeatedly made to cum instantly by his persistent torture, and she repeatedly faints in agony, letting out a charming and uncontrollable scream. Erika gets screwed raw by the old man's dick and learns how to cum. ……
"スレンダーなクールビューティーすずちゃんは、現在パパ活中。小金持ちのハメ撮りオヤジと待ち合わせして、そのままホテルへゴー! 色白美肌をカメラの前にさらし、カラダ中を舐めまわしてくる特濃エロオヤジにも従順に応える。イラマチオ気味に突っ込まれる赤黒いブツも丁寧にしゃぶり、美尻を掲げて柔襞の奥までオヤジのナマ侵入を許す。それまで平然としていた彼女も、ぶっといカリ首に膣内を蹂躙されると、美貌を快感にゆがめるのだった……。
笑顔がまぶしい快活美女のちはるちゃんは、セックスフリーな恋愛自由主義者。チ●ポ大好きドスケベ女子として、年代問わずすべての男性と濃密に交わってゆく。今日もハメ撮り趣味のおじさんとホテルでイチャイチャ。カウパーの滲む赤黒巨根を握りしめ、年上男性を巧みに翻弄しながら、華奢なカラダ全部を駆使して濃厚ご奉仕。無邪気に微笑みながらパイパン名器でチ●ポを締め付け際限なく精液を搾り取る、まさに理想の小悪魔的ドエロ天使!Chiharu, a vivacious beauty with a dazzling smile, is a sexually liberated love libertine. As a dirty girl who loves cock, she has intimate relations with all men regardless of their age. Today, she is making out with a guy at a hotel who enjoys taking fuck shots. Clutching a big reddish-black cock that is soaked with cowper, she uses all of her slender body to provide him with a rich service while skillfully playing with the older man. She smiles innocently as she clamps down on his cock with her pie-pans and squeezes out endless amounts of cum, making her the ideal little devilishly erotic angel!
「ヒマだから遊んであげてもイイよ〜!!」って、そんなこと言われたらオジさん張り切っちゃうよ〜笑 ビッチでノリが良いから複数プレイもOK!いっぱいイかせてぶっかけまくる275分です。I'm free, so you wanna go somewhere and play? She's easy-going, and not shy of being a slut. She's ready to have fun with a few other girls. 275 minutes cum inducing video. Bukkake!!!