数ヶ月前まで品行方正な生徒会長を務めていた乃愛ちゃんにメガサイズチ●ポが襲いかかる!タイトなおま●こに容赦なくねじ込まれる極太ペニス。制服やテニスウェアに身を包んだ現役感あふれる美女が、子宮の奥まで圧迫するデカチンを心ゆくまで味わう巨根三昧!A mega-sized dick attacks Noa-chan, who until a few months ago was the well-behaved student council president! A huge dick is mercilessly screwed into her tight pussy. She's a beautiful girl in her school uniform and tennis wear, and she's a big cock that presses deep into her uterus.
出会い系やりまくって特に可愛かった娘とのH動画を撮って売ってみた。 – Hey動画
出会い系やナンパでアポった若いネ~ちゃんを、都内某所にあるウチの事務所に連れ込み、雰囲気で撮影とHをしちゃう。その後で軽く編集して、カワイイ娘だけを販売してます。素人ってAV女優より全然エロいでしょ。今回イチオシの女の子はおめめパッチリなアイドル顔負けの女の子!超敏感イキまくり体質に注目です!We bring them into our office in Tokyo and film them and have sex with them in a certain atmosphere. Afterwards, I lightly edit the video and sell only the cutest girls.
同じマンションの隣に住む2人の若奥さんを部屋に連れ込んで何発もヤリまくるっ!!! – Hey動画
出会い系やりまくって特に可愛かった娘とのH動画を撮って売ってみた – Hey動画
出会い系で会った若いネ~ちゃんを、都内某所にあるウチの事務所に連れ込み、雰囲気で撮影とHをしちゃう。その後で軽く編集して、カワイイ娘だけを販売してます。素人ってAV女優より全然エロいでしょ。We take young ne-chan we meet on the dating scene into our office in Tokyo and film them and have sex with them in a certain atmosphere. Afterwards, we lightly edit the film and sell only the cutest girls. Amateurs are a lot more erotic than porn stars, aren't they?
初花 -hatsuhana- 葉山潤子 – Hey動画
涼しげな顔立ち、瑞々しい肢体、圧倒的な透明感…一部で沢●エリカ似との呼び声も高い、期待の新星・葉山潤子デビュー!! 指、舌、オモチャで潤子の性感を徹底リサーチ。フェラ&手コキでHポテンシャルをチェック!! 様々な体位にチャレンジ!! 固定カメラでセルフオナニー。熟練テクの男優とまったり濃厚エッチ。などあらゆる角度から潤子のハジメテをお魅せします!!Cool face, fresh limbs, and an overwhelming sense of transparency… Junko Hayama, a promising new star who has been called by some to resemble Erika Sawajiri, makes her debut! Junko's sexuality is thoroughly researched with fingers, tongue, and toys. She checks her H-potential by giving blow jobs and hand jobs! Challenging various positions! Self-masturbation with a fixed camera. Mature and intense sex with a skilled actor. Junko's delightful experience is shown from every angle!
ブルーフィルム 2 風俗小型映画 四国・高知篇 – Hey動画
戦後高度成長期に流通した裏物ポルノ「ブルーフィルム」の貴重な映像集。青姦、レズ、乱交、現在のAVでもおなじみの行為が既に映像化されていたのに驚き。中にはいまや絶対アウトなプレイも…昔の変態は凄かった!This is a collection of rare footage of “blue films,” the backstage pornography that circulated during the postwar high-growth period. It is surprising to see that the acts that are familiar in today’s pornography, such as voyeurism, lesbianism, orgies, and urination play, were already being filmed. Some of them are absolutely out of bounds nowadays, such as pussy…the perverts in the old days were amazing!
ブルーフィルム 1 風俗小型映画 東京・浅草篇 – Hey動画
1920年代に製作されたという古典作品から戦後のブームで国内製作された裏物ポルノの歴史を紐解く映像集。寸劇じみたセックスシーンは今となってはおとなしく見えるが新鮮。当時の流行や取締りとの戦いなど、ポルノ史の資料としても面白い。This is a collection of videos that unravels the history of backstage pornography, from the classic films produced in the 1920s to those produced domestically during the postwar boom. The skit-like sex scenes seem tame nowadays, but they are fresh. It is also interesting as a source of information on the history of pornography, including the trends of the time and the battles with the police.
夫が潰れたスキに男を誘惑する○○巨乳痴女妻! 音風ねる – Hey動画
「ねる」夫婦と夫の同僚の男。三人はかつて同じ職場だった。「ねる」は今の夫と結婚し寿退社。しかし、彼女と同僚は実は両想いであった。未だに未練を残す「ねる」と同僚。二人が再び燃え上がり体を求めあうのは必然であった。そして妻を寝取られた夫の思いと行動とは?A couple "Neruneru" and a man who works with the husband. The three used to work together. Neru married her current husband and left the company. However, she and her colleague are still in love with each other. Neru and her colleague still have lingering feelings for each other. It was inevitable that the two would rekindle their passion for each other. And what are the thoughts and actions of the husband whose wife has been cuckolded?
夫に内緒で潜りのハプニングバーに通う奥さんの火遊びの結末は 片瀬みさ – Hey動画
「みさ」は家庭があるにも関わらずハプニングバーに通う淫乱女。ある日、店で一人の男と関係を持つが、その男はなんと夫の上司だった。「みさ」の秘密をネタに体を要求していく男。彼女も抵抗を見せるが男のセックステクニックに堕ちていく。そして上司は最後の仕上げを完了させるのだった。Misa is a slut who goes to a happening bar even though she has a family. One day, she has an affair with a man, but he turns out to be her husband's boss. The man uses Misa's secret to demand her body. She resists, but falls for the man's sex techniques. Then, the boss completes the final touch.
旦那に逃げられ不倫相手にも捨てられ全てを失った人妻 一条みお – Hey動画
「みお」は夫の友人と不倫関係にあった。関係はエスカレートし、中出しされたアリバイ作りに泥●した夫をフェラ抜きし中出しの事実を夫に被せる。しかし、現場を目撃していた夫は「みお」に冷めてしまい家を出てしまう。そして不倫相手にも捨てられ誰もいなくなった彼女は、ただ涙するしかなかった。Mio" was having an affair with her husband's friend. The affair escalated, and to create an alibi for the fact that she had ejaculated inside her husband, she sucked his cock and made him believe that she had done so. However, her husband, who witnessed the scene, grows cold toward Mio and leaves home. And when her adulterous partner leaves her and she has no one left, she can do nothing but weep.