"学生のときに地味で目立たないけど、ちょっとがきっかけで好きになった経験はありませんか?今回のゆうかちゃんは、まさにそんな感じの娘で、人見知りで口数が少ないごくごく普通の子なんです。部活に一生懸命だった彼女は、男性経験も少ない。しかし、脱がせてみるとバッキバキの肉体でまさにアスリートってカラダで、ものすごい敏感で超ヌレやすかったりして…… 完全にギャップにやられるやつです。性に目覚めたアスリートの体をご覧ください♪☆モデルデータ☆ 名前:ゆうか 年齢:21 スポーツ:陸上 性格:人見知り 待ち合わせに来た、ゆうかちゃんファッションにも疎くてトレーニング帰りにそのままの格好で来ちゃいました。""When you were a student, did you ever have the experience of liking a girl who was plain and inconspicuous, but you fell in love with her because of a little something? This time, Yuuka is just like that, a very ordinary girl who is shy and doesn't say much. She had been working hard at club activities and had little experience with men. But when you take her off, you'll find that she's got the body of an athlete, and she's incredibly sensitive and easy to penetrate. …… This is the kind of thing that completely gets you in the gap. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. Model Data Name: Yuka Age: 21 Sport: Athletics Personality: Shy Yuka came to the meeting in the same outfit she wore on her way home from training because she was not familiar with fashion."
パコ撮りNo.64 ルーズソックスが似合う脚長美人女子学生に2回中出し!お掃除フェラから再勃起して口内発射したら「出し過ぎじゃない?」と笑われた… – Hey動画
ルーズソックスが似合う美脚な女子学生!シャワーを浴びてスヤスヤと休んでいたので悪戯へ!気持ち良さが絡み合って目が覚めたらズブっと挿入!ガンガン突き上げて喘ぎ声を大きくさせて1回目の中出しへ!勃起が収まらずそのまま精子を潤滑油にして再挿入へ!バックで突き刺し騎乗位で腰を振り続ける彼女に再中出し!A student with beautiful long legs with long socks. We wanted to play pranks on her while she was relaxing after a long shower, but she went to bed. When she woke up though, she started thrusting her hips and touching herself. I joined in and she started cumming on me. She started drying up, so they used the sperm as a lubricant and started fucking again.
パコ撮りNo.65 おチンチ●好きな女子学生に「イッパイ出てたのにカチカチになったね♪」と2回中出しから「まだできるよ!」とお掃除フェラから再挿入して結局3回中出しした! – Hey動画
パンツの濡れ染みを見逃さずにそのままクリを刺激し続け「ヤバい!気持ちいい」と声を上げ「気持ちくて動いちゃう!」なんて発しながら何度もイキまくりの女子学生ちゃんは、よく喋る明るい子です。明るいノリノリのエッチは、こちらも楽しいですね!そんな彼女に連続中出しへ!お掃除フェラから再挿入で結局3回も中出しです!A student with beautiful long legs with long socks. We wanted to play pranks on her while she was relaxing after a long shower, but she went to bed. When she woke up though, she started thrusting her hips and touching herself. I joined in and she started cumming on me. She started drying up, so they used the sperm as a lubricant and started fucking again.
パコ撮りNo.66 エッチする時に必ず「パイズリやって♥」と頼まれるHカップなのに小柄な女子学生に合計3回中出しした! – Hey動画
おっぱいの主張が凄すぎる小柄な女子学生ちゃんの巨乳を揉みながらSEXを楽しむ最高の時間でした!Hカップもあるおっぱいで、手慣れたパイズリも気持ち良い!揺れる巨乳を眺めながら、揉みながら、潰しながら腰を打付けると彼女は何度も何度も達してくれました!そんな彼女に感謝!半外半中出しを合計3回させて貰いました!These petite students were assertive, it was a great fuck. She was rubbing her tits on me, made me watch her sway her tits, touching them, crushing, grabbing…We fucked so much I came inside her 3 times.
弟の嫁が不憫なので、相談に乗るフリをして変態マゾ女に調教してやった 葉月もえ – Hey動画
もえの旦那はゲームばかりして、全く相手をしてくれない。ある日、旦那のお兄さんが遊びに来た。食事も終えお茶をしている時に旦那の愚痴を聞いてもらった。義兄は旦那と違い親身で優しかった。そんな義兄に会いたい一心で義兄が一人で住む家に行った。既にもえの心を見抜いていた義兄は、相談に乗るフリをして…。Moe's husband only plays video games and doesn't give her any attention at all. One day, her husband's brother came to visit. When we finished eating and were having tea, he listened to my complaints about my husband. Unlike my husband, my brother-in-law was kind and gentle. I went to the house where my brother-in-law lived alone because I wanted to see him. The brother-in-law, who had already seen through Moe's heart, pretended to be a counselor…
男根に堕ちた三十路妻 宮沢優里 – Hey動画
男とはマッチングアプリで出会った。それは、ちょっとした好奇心からだった。しかし夫への不満、仕事のストレス、そして何よりトキメキに飢えていた優里は男に身体を許してしまう。結婚後、初めて味わう他人棒に帰宅後も身体の疼きは止まらない。一度きりのつもりが自ら男に連絡をする優里の運命は…"I'm Tsugumi, an art student. For a school assignment, I was supposed to do a naked male sketch and asked him to be my model, but he kept asking for me in the middle and I couldn't make any progress on the assignment. When I was troubled, he said, ""If that's the case, your father can help you!"" So I asked him to help me…I'm Rui, 22 years old and I work in advertising sales. I live with my father at home. My mother died when I was in junior high school, and I am still spoiled by my father and have not been able to get away from him at all. Recently, I have been drinking a lot at work, and sometimes I lose my memory. Whenever I do, my father takes care of me, but the other day I finally did it… in front of him. Three ""what if"" stories by Chie Nakamura. 1What if…the massage parlor's treatment was very obscene? 2…What if…my husband called me while we were having sex? 3. What if… the deli girl is the wife of someone you know? This work is filled with the charm of Chie Nakamura's voluptuous body. Please enjoy! Moe's husband only plays video games and doesn't give her any attention at all. One day, her husband's brother came to visit. When we finished eating and were having tea, he listened to my complaints about my husband. Unlike my husband, my brother-in-law was kind and gentle. I went to the house where my brother-in-law lived alone because I wanted to see him. The brother-in-law, who had already seen through Moe's heart, pretended to be a counselor…"
息子を誘惑する五十路母 篠野まゆみ – Hey動画
夫に召使のように扱われている母まゆみとそんな母を不憫に思う息子との禁断のラブストーリー。息子の結婚が決まり、まゆみは淋しい思いを紛らわすように息子の下着を握りしめオナニーをする日々。息子が婚約者と暮らすため家をでるまさにその日、母まゆみは心に秘めていた思いを抑えられずに行動に移す…。This is a forbidden love story between Mayumi, a mother who is treated like a servant by her husband, and her son who takes pity on her. Her son is getting married, and Mayumi spends her days masturbating in her son's underwear to drown out her loneliness. On the very day her son leaves home to live with his fiancée, Mayumi can't help but act on her secret feelings…
こちょこちょこちょ快感と絶叫の嵐 制服女子が在籍するいたずらデリヘル盗撮 – Hey動画
マニアックな男たちが高性能カメラで変わったデリヘルを盗撮してコレクションにしていた映像を入手。女子校生をくすぐりたおし発射するというくすぐり系フェチ映像。A group of maniacal men used a high performance camera to spy on a strange prostitute for their collection. In this tickling fetish video, an adult schoolgirl is tickled and then shot.
第二の性器(肛門)にヤリたい放題!お尻の穴って意外とイイかも!? – Hey動画
普段は閉ざされた尻穴をほぐし柔らかくして肛門性交、締まる締まるイキまくる!ハマったら抜け出せない第二の性器完全開発!!It's a great way to unwind and soften your normally closed asshole, and then have anal intercourse, tightening and tightening and making you cum! Once you're hooked, you'll never be able to get away from this second sexual organ!
ガチナンパ! 下着チェックだけの約束がソノ気にさせて赤面生ハメ! 特盛+60分106イキ!13発中出し! – Hey動画