ブルマニアのオジサンがブルマを知らない美少女に穿かせて撮影するシリーズ。 今回は元バレーボール部だったというつぐみちゃん。 スポーツマンでもある彼女も、その大きなお尻が恥ずかしかったという。 しかし角オナニーをしたり、急に小悪魔に変貌したりするエロ度が高いスケベな娘。今回も中出しブルマん娘(こ)!In this series, an old man who is a bloomer fanatic, makes a beautiful girl wear some and films her. This time it is Tsugumi, a former volleyball player. She is an athletic girl, but she was embarrassed by her big ass. On the inside, she actually a very dirty girl who loves to masturbate, which makes her go crazy with horniness!
中出しブルマん娘 かなえ – Hey動画
ブルマニアのオジサンがブルマを知らない美少女に穿かせて撮影するシリーズ。 ヒップが驚異の103cmある超デカ尻娘のかなえちゃん。 その大きさに用意したLサイズプレミアブルマもパッツンパッツン。その巨尻にコンプレックスを感じながらも運動させられて尻肉太もも揺れまくり。 しかもエッチ大好きで何回もイキまくる中出しブルマん娘(こ)!In this series, an old man who is a bloomer fanatic, makes a beautiful girl wear some and films her. Kanae is a girl with a super big ass and with astonishingly large, 40 inch hips. She only barely fit into the premium L sized bloomers we prepared for her. She is insecure about her huge ass, but she is made to exercise and it and thighs shake all over the place. She also loves to get fucked and cums many times in these cumshot bloomers!
シロウト女子個人撮影ハメ撮り日記 唇が卑猥すぎる美裸身れいちゃんEかっぷ 花宮レイ – Hey動画
"まぶしいまでの美裸身を武器に、パパ活市場を渡り歩くれいちゃん。その媚態となまめかしい女の武器でオジサマたちを悩殺しまくり、現在荒稼ぎ中。均整のとれた肢体をベッドに投げ出し、丸く張った美乳と美尻をこれ見よがしに突き出して男を誘惑する。いきり勃ったチ●ポをぼってりとしたエロすぎる唇に咥え、はしたない音を立ててバキュームフェラ。涎の滴るそれをキツマンに咥え込むと、卑猥な腰つきを駆使して男のすべてを搾り取ってゆく!"Rei-chan is a young woman who uses her dazzlingly beautiful naked body as a weapon in the daddy's market. She is currently making a fortune by using her flirtatious and seductive feminine weapons to make men fall in love with her. Throwing her well-proportioned body on the bed, she seduces men with her round, firm breasts and beautiful buttocks sticking out for all to see. She sucks his cock into her voluptuous lips and sucks him off with a vacuum. She sucks it into her tight pussy, dripping with drool, and then uses her obscene hips to squeeze every last drop out of him!
シロウト女子個人撮影ハメ撮り日記 おじ様も虜にする締まる膣筋 あおいちゃんDかっぷ 水谷あおい – Hey動画
"おっとりした喋り方で年上をたぶらかす黒髪美女あおいちゃんは、パトロン志望のオヤジたちに大人気。今日も初めて会うパパとの、趣味と実益を兼ねたえっちな個人撮影会。援交オヤジのカメラが中高年特有のねちっこさで、彼女の白い裸身を舐めるように撮ってゆく。オヤジの指が、舌が、カウパーまみれのチ●ポが、あおいちゃんのカラダを汚して回る。しつこい愛撫とピストンに、引き締まった腹筋を痙攣させて淫らにイキ続けるあおいちゃんだった……。"Aoi, a dark-haired beauty who teases older men with her quiet way of speaking, is very popular with the fathers who want to be her patrons. Today, she meets her dad for the first time in an erotic private photo session that combines hobby and practicality. The camera of the father, who is a support group, takes pictures of Aoi's naked white body as if licking it, with a nastiness characteristic of middle-aged and older men. Aoi's body is stained by his fingers, tongue, and cowper-soaked dick. Aoi's tight abdominal muscles twitch and she continues to come lewdly under the insistent caresses and pistons. ……
シロウト女子個人撮影ハメ撮り日記 全てを包み込むスライム乳 りかちゃんGかっぷ 椿りか – Hey動画
極上おっぱいと凄テク性技を駆使して、パパ活おじさん達を骨抜きにするりかちゃん。今日もホテルでハメ撮り援交オヤジから、いろいろ搾り取ってます。たぷたぷムニムニしたマシュマロボディを助平オヤジに密着させながらチ●ポをこすり上げ、ぽってりした淫猥な唇で全身リップ。ちろちろ蠢く舌であちこち丹念にご奉仕。中高年の脂ぎった肉欲を正面から受け止め、昼間からどろどろの淫乱交尾をしてくれる彼女にハマるリピーター急増中!Rika uses her great tits and amazing sexual skills to get the daddy daddies boned. Today, she's at the hotel again, squeezing every last drop out of the old man who's giving her a blowjob. She rubs her cock up and down her plump marshmallow body while sticking it close to the guy, and then gives him a full-body massage with her chubby, obscene lips. She serves him with her wriggling tongue. She takes the greasy lust of middle-aged and older men head-on, and the number of repeat customers who are addicted to her who performs a slutty and dirty fuck in the daytime is rapidly increasing!
屈辱の全裸居*屋店長 波多野結衣 – Hey動画
チェーン展開する居*屋のエリアマネージャーを担当している波多野。ある日、売上げが思わしくない店舗の立て直しを命ぜられる。しかし店長として着任したものの、売り上げは着任前と変わらず、むしろ下がる状況が数か月続いた。切羽詰った彼女は驚愕すべき方法を選んでしまう…。Hatano is the area manager of a chain of izakaya (Japanese style pubs). One day, she is assigned to rebuild a store whose sales are not doing well. However, although she is appointed as the manager, sales remain the same as they were before her appointment, and in fact, continue to decline for several months. In desperation, she chooses an astonishing method…
イイ女の発情連れ込み調教 優和〜mao〜 – Hey動画
SとかMとか関係ない!いい女を連れ込んで、縛って可愛がって心ゆくまでイカセタイ。MAXING専属女優・優和〜mao〜の本能に忠実な『オンナ』の性欲を『記録』する。本気でひたすら快感を貪る激しい交尾・絶頂。吹き上がる潮、とめどなく溢れる愛液、汗、涙…体内の水分が干乾びるほど発情したイイオンナのドエロイ痴態。It doesn't matter if you're S or M! We bring in a good woman, tie her up, love her, and make her cum to her heart's content, and we "record" the her sexual desires . MAXING's exclusive actress Yuwa Mao. It's a fierce climax where she really devours the pleasure. The squirting, the I overflowing of juices, sweat, tears… The erotic perversions of a woman who has become so horny that the water in her body has dried up.
新人 浅尾美羽 〜大手ダンススクール出身!某ダンスユニット候補生AVデビュー!!〜 – Hey動画
超有名ダンススクール出身で某ダンスユニット候補生が突然のAVデビュー!!幼少時から激しいレッスンで鍛え抜かれたしなやかなダンス、健康的なカラダ!スポーツ万能美少女がAVという新たなステージで踊り狂う!!From a very famous dance school, a candidate for a certain dance unit suddenly makes her AV debut! From a young age, she has been trained through intense lessons to have a supple and healthy body! A beautiful, athletic girl dances like crazy on the new stage of porn!
【〇剤師の肉厚マ○コ】×カリデカ鬼勃起チ○ポ突き刺さる度に襲われる強い快感失神ガチセックス – Hey動画
今回は、笑顔が素敵なショートヘアのさやかちゃん(仮)のハメ動画です。職場に男性がいないというやっきょくで働く〇剤師のさやかちゃん。もともと控えめな性格で男性と話すのは本当に苦手。撮影まで何度もご飯食べに行ったり、お茶したりと結構手間かかっています。。とにかくラブラブなエッチがしたいという彼女。まずはスキンシップから。スレンダーなカラダに白いモチ肌。挨拶のキス。自然に反応して舌をからませてくるなんて、もうエッチな子ですw恥ずかしがる表情がグッときます。愛に飢えてるんですねwThis time, it's the short haired Sayaka (tentative) with a great smile. Sayaka is a pharmacist who works at a place where there are no men. She has always had a reserved personality and is really bad at talking to men. It took me a lot of time and effort to go out to eat and have tea with her before filming. She says she just wants to have loving sex. We start with skinship. She has a slender body and white chewy skin. We kissed in greeting. The way she naturally reacts and sticks her tongue out at me makes me feel like a naughty girl, and the shy expression on her face makes me smile. She's hungry for love, isn't she?
鬼勃起した18cmのデカチンの強烈なピストンにマ○コを掻き回され何度もイキ乱れるチ○ポ中毒娘ゆみ(22) – Hey動画
【あらすじ】ハメ撮りの仲間から紹介された超美人のゆみちゃん。紹介された日は飲みながら談笑を楽しんだりしていたのですが、ゆみちゃんはとにかくセックスがしたかったらしく僕に迫ってきました。しかし勃起できず断念。「次はしよーね」と連絡先を交換して後日。セックスする気満々のゆみちゃん。当日は飲み控えめですでにエロモード。ただセックスしても面白くないので、ゆみちゃんに内緒でデカチン男を事前連絡でホテル近くでスタンバイ。出合って5分で、セックスをしてもらいました。I was introduced to the super beautiful Yumi-chan by one of my frame-up buddies. But I couldn't get an erection due to my excited state, so I gave up. I said, "Let's do it next time," and we exchanged contact information for later. Yumi-chan was ready to have sex. She was already in the erotic mode. It was no fun to just have sex with her, so I contacted a guy with a big dick in advance without telling Yumi and stood by near the hotel. I had sex with her within 5 minutes of meeting her.