
最高の寝取り!旦那のいない三日間の間に再びあの体を手に入れる! 高瀬りな – Hey動画


引っ越しの挨拶で隣の宅を訪れた「りな」は目を疑った。そこには昔別れた元カレの姿があったのだ。後日、彼女宅を訪れた男は「りな」が当時二股をかけ、自分は捨てられ彼女は今の旦那を選んだ事に気付く。激高した彼は「りな」の家庭をメチャクチャにしてやろうと決意する…。Rina couldn't believe her eyes when she visited her neighbor's house to greet him when he moved in. There she found her ex-boyfriend, whom she had broken up with a long time ago. When the man visited her home later, he found out that Rina had been two-timed at the time and that she had chosen her current husband while he had dumped her. In a fit of rage, he decides to destroy Rina's family…


    EAGLE Hey動画

    主従逆転!高飛車な美人妻は夫の部下の言いなりになりヤられる 宮村ななこ – Hey動画


    万年平社員の男。会社では毎日上司から叱責を受ける。ある日、上司が自宅に忘れた書類を取りに行かされる。上司宅に到着すると待たされた妻は立腹し彼を罵倒する。会社に戻った男は書類を届けるが、偶然にも上司の不正の証拠を手に入れる。復讐を計画した彼は、上司の妻を会社に呼び出し脅しをかける…A man who is an all-year-round flat worker. At work, he is reprimanded by his boss every day. One day, he is sent to retrieve a document that his boss forgot at home. When he arrives at his boss's house, his wife gets angry and curses him for making her wait. The man returns to the office and delivers the documents, but by chance he obtains evidence of his boss's wrongdoing. Planning revenge, he calls his boss's wife to the office and threatens her…


      EAGLE Hey動画

      モチモチおっぱいの初接客シングルマザー回春エステ嬢が手籠めにされるまで 神楽りん – Hey動画




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        まさかの中出し懇願!?化粧品モニターで来た女子に「ち○ぽ挿れないからAV出ない?」と持ち掛け結局ビュルビュル中出しSEX(カナ/20歳) – Hey動画


        女の子ってタダに弱いもので、化粧品モニターの募集をかけたらそれなりに集まっちゃうんですよね。今回来てくれたカナちゃんもその一人なんですが、この子みたいなケースは珍しいと思います。というのも、もしかしたらAVだってこと薄々分かってたかもっていう。とにかくいつもの流れでラブホテルに連れ込んでしまって出演交渉するわけですが、わりとあっさり承諾してくれました。ただ「中で出します」とまではもちろん言わないんですけどね。というわけでここまで来たらあとはお楽しみタイム。お金がもらえるとはいえ、イヤイヤやっても仕方がないですから、ここは僕が気持ちよくなってもらえるようリードします。いや、リードするはずだったんです。しかし、しかしですよ、この子濡れ具合がハンパないんですよ。パンティのシミしゅごい…ヤル気マンマンじゃんか……Girls have a weakness for freebies, and if you put out a call for cosmetic monitors, you'll get a good number of them. Kana, who came to us this time, is one of them, but I think cases like hers are rare. I think it's rare for a girl like her to come here, because she might have known in advance that it was an adult film. Anyway, I took her to a love hotel in the usual way and negotiated with her to appear in the movie. But of course, she didn't say "I'll give it to you inside". So now it was time to have some fun. Even though I was going to get paid, there was no point in doing something I didn't want to do, so I took the lead to make her feel better. No, I was supposed to take the lead. But, but, but, she's so wet.


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          押せばヤレる!S級巨乳ドスケベボディのデリヘル嬢とガチ本番SEX(あい/22歳) – Hey動画


          "夢は見るものじゃない、叶えるものだ。と誰かが言ってましたが、デリヘルでの本番交渉もまさにそれが当てはまるのだと思います。そうです、待っていても嬢は挿れさせてくれない。自分から攻めの姿勢で挿れにいかなくてはならないのです。栄光とは掴み取るものなのです。とはいえどんな嬢でも押せば何とかなるというものではありません。人には相性というものがあり、そこがかみ合わないと何を言っても何をやってもうまくはいきません。今回のデリヘル嬢・あいちゃんは 明るい性格でコミュニケーションが取りやすく、見た目とは裏腹にMっぽい?従順系で、さらに天然とキテる。つまり比較的押しやすいわけです。ただひたすらに優しくすることで信頼を勝ち取り、なごむ空気を作り出すことで「先っちょくらいならいっか…」と思わせてしまう。今回はこの作戦で成功したといえます。そんなこんなでデリ嬢としては超アタリ級の巨乳ドスケベボディを持つあいちゃんのおま○こに、ずっぽりと挿入大成功。その一部始終をどうぞお楽しみください。""Someone once said, ""Dreams are not to be looked at, they are to be realized. That's right, you can't wait for a girl to let you do it. You have to be on the offensive and go for it. Glory is something to be grasped. However, no matter what kind of girl you are, you can't just push and hope for the best. There is a certain chemistry between people, and if the two don't mesh, nothing you say or do will work. This time, I met Ai-chan, a deli girl. She has a cheerful personality and is easy to communicate with. She's submissive and natural. In other words, she's relatively easy to push. By simply being gentle with her, you can win her trust, and by creating a relaxed atmosphere, you can make her think, ""I don't mind if it's just the tip…"". I can say that this strategy was a success this time. I was able to successfully insert myself into Ai-chan's pussy, who has a big-breasted, dirty body, which is a super hit among deli girls. Please enjoy the whole story."


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            騙撮!超スベ肌豊乳デリヘル嬢を本気で口説いて中出ししました(ミユキ/22歳) – Hey動画


            デリヘル呼んだことがある人なら誰しも思うのが、嬢との本番交渉であります。まぁゴム付きの本番までならナイショでってことでよく聞く話ですケド、生ハメ中出しともなると急に難易度が跳ね上がります。今回公開する動画はその成功例。肝心なのは嬢の心を開く空気作りで、これって意外に多くの言葉を必要としなかったりします。根拠などなくてもいいからとにかく安心感を演出するのです。こうして見事初対面の見知らぬデリヘル嬢とまんまと種付けセックスし、子宮にせーし汁ビュクビュク注入大成功。その一部始終をお楽しみください。If you've ever called a prostitute before, you've probably heard the story about negotiating with a girl to do the real thing. I've heard a lot of people say that you should keep it a secret if you're going to do it with a rubber band, but if you're going to do it live and inside out, the difficulty level suddenly rises. The video I'm about to show you is a successful example. The key is to create an atmosphere that opens up the girl's mind, and surprisingly, this doesn't require a lot of words. You don't need a lot of words to do this. You just need to make her feel at ease. This is how I managed to have sex with a stranger I'd never met before, and successfully injected her womb with a huge stream of seed juice. Please enjoy the whole story.


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              パイパン日焼け美女騎乗位映像集4時間 – Hey動画




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                義父にヤられ続ける娘とのSEX映像 工藤ララ – Hey動画


                母を早くに亡くし、無職の義父と娘の二人暮らし。貧しくとも健気に義父を支える娘「ララ」とその優しさに甘え娘を身勝手に貪る義父。生活は困窮し日々の不安の最中、繰り返す猥行為に嫌悪感を抱きつつも孤独な義父に寄り添う娘。執拗までの異常な愛情を娘に注ぎこむ。仕込まれたカラダは日増しに感度を増し、受け入れ絆を深めていく…。The unemployed woman, who lost her mother early in life, lives with her step-father. She supports her step-father in spite of her poverty, and he takes advantage of her kindness. In the midst of a life of poverty and daily insecurity, the daughter is disgusted by her step-father's repeated indecent acts, but cannot bring herself to leave. He pours his obsessive and abnormal love into his step-daughter and their bond slowly deepens…


                  EAGLE Hey動画

                  義父にヤられ続ける娘たちのSEX記録映像集4時間 – Hey動画


                  様々な理由により母の居ない父子家庭で起きた悲劇。いつしか娘を女として見るようになった義父。罪悪感よりも性欲を満たす欲望に抗えず娘とヤる鬼畜に身を堕とす。「お義父さんヤメて!」娘の心からの懇願は義父の心には届かず、キツく狭い娘の気持ちの良い膣内に挿入れ続ける事に没頭する。義父娘9組のSEX映像集4時間。A man begins to see his daughter-in-law as a woman. Unable to resist his desire, he turns into a devil and ravages her. "Please don't do it!". The women's heartfelt plea does not reach the man as continues to fuck his daughter-in-law's tight pussy. Four hours of footage from of nine couples.


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                    妄想告白ブルマん娘 みひな – Hey動画


                    学生の頃、体育でブルマを穿いたことのあるお姉さんが当時のエロ行為を告白するシリーズ。 今回はヒップ95cmのおしとやかなのに超敏感娘のみひなちゃん。 体育では小学5年までブルマだったという彼女、その後シュートパンツに代わってしまったという。 ブルマ時代に密かに行っていたエッチな行為を語りながらブルマプレイに没頭していく。In this new series, a young lady who once wore bloomers in physical education as a student confesses her past erotic acts. This time we have Mihina, a very sensitive girl with 37 inch hips. She says that she wore bloomers in PE until the 5th grade, after which they were replaced by shorts. She talks about the naughty acts she used to secretly do in her bloomers and then gets lost all over again in her new bloomers play.

