美人妻が身も心も濡れまくりで求める淫らな夜。学生時代に深い関係を持った男女が、成人になった時に偶然再会し、共に結婚しているにも関わらず、互いにあの時の情熱を求め、熱帯夜に交わった不倫初夜。互いに求め合い、汗と体液が混ざり合う。A lewd night awaits this beautiful housewife which gets her body and soul all wet and wanting. A man and a woman who had a deep relationship in their school days meet again by chance when they reach adulthood, and despite the fact that they are both married, they seek the passion they had at that time. This is a story about the first night of an affair on a hot, summer’s night. Sweat and juices mingle as their want for each other grow ever deeper.
不倫同棲〜7日間中出しセックスを続けた人妻 – Hey動画
夫とは婚活サイトで知り合い、付き合って3か月で結婚する現在3年目を迎えるが、子供は計画的に作りたいとセックスは避妊具をつける。夫の潔癖や神経質な態度に日々疲れていた。そんな時に夫が出張で7日間不在に。その間、婚活アプリで知り合った男性と人妻であることを隠してセックスを貧り続けた。その浮気の代償としてある決断をする…。She met her husband on a dating website for people looking to get married, and got married after three months. Wanting to plan carefully for any kids, sex comes with contraceptives. She started getting tired of her husband’s OCD-level cleanliness and fussy attitude. One day, her husband had to go away on a 7-day business trip. In the meantime, she found men from her dating app and had lots of sex while hiding the fact that she was a housewife. She makes a decision to do something as a sort of reparation for her affairs…
居酒屋の女将 – Hey動画
働かない夫の代わりに居酒屋を切り盛りする由奈と夫の後輩・谷。そんな夫でも由奈は愛していた。しかし借金でどうにもならなくなった夫は、店の権利と一緒に妻をどうにでもしていいと後輩に告げ、いなくなってしまう。夫を愛し続けた由奈の心は大きく揺れ動く…。Yuna and her husband's junior colleague, Tani, run an izakaya while her husband doesn't work. Yuna loves her husband, but when he runs into debt, he tells his junior colleague that he can do whatever he wants with his wife, along with the rights to the izakaya, and disappears. Yuna's heart, which has always loved her husband, is shaken.
官能小説家の奴隷妻 – Hey動画
在にはめずらしく古風で夫に尽くすタイプのゆき。夫は小説家だがスランプに陥り、それを支えている。ある日、夫はスランプを脱出するために官能小説を書くことを思いつく。そして小説のネタを作るためにゆきを性倒錯の世界へと引きずり込むのであった。Yuki is an old-fashioned wife devoted to her husband, which is rare in Japan. Her husband is a novelist but has fallen into a slump and she is supporting him. One day, her husband comes up with the idea of writing an erotic novel to escape his slump. He then drags Yuki into a world of sexual perversion to create material for his novel.
【20歳 長野県】らん – Hey動画
【20歳 長野県 ギャル】 今回の撮影希望の女の子は長野県からお越しのゴリゴリギャル “らん”ちゃん20歳。 バ○タで待ち合わせからのお腹空いたという事で、カラオケで食事しながらお話を聞くことに。 彼氏に浮気された復讐の為出演を決意したという“らん”ちゃん。 そんな事聞いたら急いでホテルに直行! ホテルで服を脱が日焼けした肌とピンクの下着がマッチしまくり! デニムの中に手を入れると既に湿っていたのでそのままクリを触ると立ったまま絶頂へ。 そのまま盛り上がり思わず脱衣所にて立ちバックで一発中出し。 シャワーを浴びて再度ベットで二回戦!! ベットにてマ〇コをしつこく愛撫すると潮を吹いてイっちゃう“らん”ちゃん。 口の中に大量発射されちゃいました。。。 ならばと今度は手マンで残りの潮を全部搔き出すと絶叫して再度イキまくる“らん”ちゃん。 もう無理と言う事でここで攻守交代。 笑顔で美味しそうにチ○コをジュボジュボとほうばる“らん”ちゃん。 これは本当にドスケベギャルでっせ! これ以上フェラされたらイッてしまうので名残惜しそうな“らん”ちゃんを尻目に挿入。 正常位、騎乗位、バックで突かれて連続絶頂の“らん”ちゃん。 「中に出して欲しい」と懇願されるもちょっと怖いのでお口に大量発射するも優しく受け入れてくれる優しい“らん”ちゃん。 やっぱりギャルはエロかった。。。[Nagano Prefecture, 20, trendy gyaru] Our girl for today’s shoot is the gyaru trendy girl Ran, a 20 year old from Nagano Prefecture. She was hungry after meeting me at the bus terminal, so we decided to have some dinner at karaoke and chat for a bit. Ran says she decided to come on today’s shoot to take revenge on her boyfriend for cheating on her. When I heard that, I rushed straight to the hotel! I took off her clothes right quick, and the contrast of her tanned skin and pink underwear was just so perfect. I put my hand down in her jeans, and she was already wet! So I rubbed her clit and she came just like that while standing. We got so heated up that I couldn’t help but fuck her right there at the entrance in standing doggy, and gave her a creampie. After taking a shower together, it was time for round two on the bed! I caressed her pussy lovingly tenaciously, and look at that, she’s a squirter! In fact, she squirted right in my mouth! Then, when I used my hand to pump out all her remaining juices, Ran screamed out and came again! She couldn’t take much more of that, so we decided to switch sides. Ran smiled as she sucked on my cock, deliciously. Holy fuck though, what a nympho! If she sucks on my cock any longer, I’m going to shoot my shot, so she detaches herself from my cock reluctantly and I drill my cock right into her wet, tight pussy. Ran reaches her peak over and over again while we fuck in missionary, cowgirl, and doggy. She begged me to cum insider her, but that’s a little scary, so I shot my huge load right into her mouth. She was kind enough to accept it and gulp all the juices down. Man, these gyaru girls sure know how to fuck.
【19歳 三重県】ねね – Hey動画
【19歳 三重県 美少女 巨乳】今回の撮影希望の女の子は三重県からお越しのねねちゃん19歳。新幹線から降りて来た瞬間から分かる巨乳に釘付け!某ターミナル駅で待ち合わせからのファミレスでお話を聞くことに。現在彼氏ナシというねねちゃんは性欲は普段、オナニーで解消しちゃってるらしい。なので新幹線の中から今日の事が楽しみでしょうがなかったとの事なので話を切り上げ速攻でラブホにGO!ホテルに入ると急にモジモジしだすねねちゃん。上着を脱がすとピンクのブラジャーの下のGカップのおっぱいが!ねねちゃんをソファーの上で四つん這いにさせストッキングを破ると段々と吐息が漏れてきちゃう、ねねちゃん。Gカップのおっぱいをじっくり堪能しパンツを脱がすともうビショビショ。クンニと手マンでがっつりイカセてあげると濃厚なフェラとパイズリでお返ししてくれるねねちゃんなのだがこれが気持ち良すぎる!たまらなくなって、ねねちゃん挿入!正常位、騎乗位、立ちバック、バックでがっつりハメると久々のセックスでイキまくる、ねねちゃん。最後は可愛いお口に大量発射!久々のセックスに大満足のねねちゃんなのでした。
誰かに見られて犯される。 – Hey動画
ごめんなさい…どうしようもないほどMなんです。 – Hey動画
自分の両親にこき使われる夫を持つあき。あきも夫に似て押しに弱い性格だ。ある日、飛び込み営業にきたセールスマンから商品を買ってしまうあき。しかし、そのセールスマンはサディスティックな性癖を持つ男であった。セールスをしながらも押しに弱い女を見つけては、マゾリストなる一覧を作成しあきを付け狙うのであった…。Aki has a husband who is used by his own parents. Akiko, like her husband, is a pushover. One day, Aki buys a product from a salesman that was knocking doors. However, the salesman was a man with a real sadistic streak. While selling his products, he finds women who are weak and creates a list of submissive types and targets them after some time…
美人人妻デリヘル嬢奴隷遊戯 – Hey動画
【19歳 岩手県】さつき – Hey動画
【19歳 岩手県 美少女 巨乳】今回の撮影希望の女の子は岩手県からお越しのさつきちゃん19歳。来た瞬間から分かるニットの下に隠された大きなおっぱいに既に釘付け!某ターミナル駅で待ち合わせからの車内でお話を聞くことに。17歳の初体験を済ましてから経験人数はまだ2〜3人?という彼女。まだイったという感覚が分からないという事で今回応募してくれたという。そのまま車でホテルへチェックイン。ホテルに入るやいなや少し乱暴なセックスに興味があると言う事なのでずっと気になっていたGカップを少し乱暴に揉みまくるとどんどんと声を出してしまう敏感なさつきちゃん。東北人っぽい真っ白なGカップを舐めまくり、ストッキングを乱暴に破りこれま真っ白なお尻とご対面!鏡の前で自分の感じてる顔を見せながら果ててしまうさつきちゃん。辛抱堪らなくなってその場でフェラから立ちバックで挿入すると感じまくっちゃう彼女。ソファーに戻ってGカップにちんこを挟まれ、騎乗位、バック、正常位でハメまくりのイキまくり。最後はおっぱいに大量発射。初めてイク感覚が分かって大満足のさつきちゃんなのでした。くれちゃうまさかの展開に! 更にお掃除フェラで最後の一滴までザーメンを搾り取ってくれたエッチなちひろちゃん、素晴らしい作品を撮ってしまいました![Iwate Prefecture, 19, beauty, big tits] Our girl for today’s shoot is Satsuki, 19 years old, from Iwate Prefecture. I was already glued to her large breasts hidden under her knitwear, which I could see from the moment she arrived! I met her at a certain terminal station and asked her about her story in the car. She has only had a few experiences since her first experience at the age of 17. Or that's what she says. She told me that she had applied for the job because she had not yet experienced the sensation of an orgasm. We drove straight to the hotel to check in. As soon as we got into the hotel, she told me she was interested in a bit of rough sex, so I rubbed her DDD tits a little rough, which I've always been interested in, and she started moaning more and more. After lapping up her white-as-snow DDD tits, I rip off her stockings to get a looks at her pure white ass! Satsuki ends up in front of the mirror, showing off all of her true pleasurable feelings. I had no more patience, so I had her suck me off there, and started fucking her from behind while she was there standing. She was moaning and yelling out like no other. Back on the couch, I sandwiched my cock right in between those DDD tits, and then we fucked in cowgirl, doggy, and missionary. It’s a fuck and cumfest! At the end is a massive cumshot on her tits. Satsuki was very happy to know what it felt like to cum for the first time. I never thought she'd give it to me! What’s more, the naughty Chihiro squeezed every last drop of cum out of me with that naughty mouth, and I got some great shots of her!