「今まで汗臭い先生って嫌いだったけど、エッチするようになって癖になっちゃったかも♪おじさんって優しいしエッチが上手だから同級生よりセックスしている時間が楽しく感じたよ☆次はどの先生のおち〇ちん狩りに行こうかな??」ヤリたい放題の無邪気なパイパンAカップ3人組が学園内でエロ騒動を繰り広げる!I used to hate sweaty teachers, but now that I'm having sex with one, I think I've gotten addicted to them… They're so sweet and good at sex that I enjoy having sex with them more than my classmates. Which teacher should I go suck on next?” The three innocent AA cup girls who want to fuck as much as they can unleash an erotic riot in the school!
カテゴリー: EAGLE
最高の快楽をご奉仕する…。をコンセプトに15名の人妻たちがエステティシャンとしてお客様の股間に最高のおもてなしを致します。癒しと快楽が交錯する至福の快楽空間は無許可営業ですのでくれぐれも秘密でお願いします。Serving you with the best pleasure…. This is the concept behind the 15 wives who work as beauty salon workers to provide the best treatment for your groin. This is a blissful space of pleasure where healing and freedom intersect… But it is an unlicensed business, so please keep it a secret.
最高の快楽をご奉仕する…。をコンセプトに15名の人妻たちがエステティシャンとしてお客様の股間に最高のおもてなしを致します。癒しと快楽が交錯する至福の快楽空間は無許可営業ですのでくれぐれも秘密でお願いします。Serving you with the best pleasure…. This is the concept behind the 15 wives who work as beauty salon workers to provide the best treatment for your groin. This is a blissful space of pleasure where healing and freedom intersect… But it is an unlicensed business, so please keep it a secret.
娘の部屋で見つけた無記名のDVDには、娘がお友達とバーベキューを楽しむ姿が。しかし見続けていくとどうも様子がおかしい。お友達の父親たちのセクハラはどんどんエスカレートし、終いには乱交に…。愛する娘がオヤジどもに犯される光景に憤りを感じつつも、同時にどうしようもなく興奮してしまいました。I found an unmarked DVD in my daughter's room that showed her enjoying a barbecue with her friends. However, as I continued to watch, something seems to be wrong. The sexual harassment of her friends' fathers escalates and eventually leads to an orgy… I was angry at the sight of my beloved daughter being rap*d by the old men, but at the same time, I was inexplicably turned on.
"プライドが高く羞恥心が強い高学歴女子大生ほど実はドスケベと言う事実!童貞君のお悩み相談からエスカレートする要求。戸惑いながらも人生初めての体験に脳内パニック!そして発情!最後はガンガン腰振りイキまくる!""""The fact is that the more proud and shy a highly educated female college student is, the more slutty she actually is! We start by discussing the worries of a virgin dude. She is confused, but panics as she experiences something like this for the first time in her life! And then she goes into heat! And in the end, she fucks and fucks and cums all over the place! """
浮気ばっかりする酒癖の悪い親父と同居する俺が親父が家に女を連れ込みヤッていた。俺はどんな女かと思い、様子を見ると今までの女とは別人の黒髪の美女であった。その女はヤラレながら俺と視線を合わせたのであった。その声を聞きながら俺は我慢できずに何度も自慰行為に耽ったのであった。すると女は同僚の目を盗み、俺を誘惑してきた。I'm living with my father, who has a bad drinking habit and is constantly cheating on mom, and he brings a woman into the house and has sex with her. I wondered what kind of woman she was, and when I looked at her, I saw that she was a different person from the ones I had seen before, a beautiful woman with black hair. The woman looked at me as she fucked. As I listened to her voice, I couldn't resist jerking off over and over. Then the woman stole a glance from her colleague and seduced me.
都内某所のラブホテルで隠し撮りされた映像。人妻が夫に内緒で密会をしている様子が一部始終撮影されていた。家庭では決して見せない別の顔を不倫相手に見せる人妻たち。夫とのストレスや不満から不倫に溺れていく女はホテルの一室で淫らに堕ちていく。悪いことをしているという背徳感に興奮して開放的になる人妻を6名収録This video was taken at a love hotel in a certain part of Tokyo. Married women have secret meetings without telling their husbands, and the whole thing was filmed. These wives show their adulterous partners a different side of themselves that they never show at home. The women who are stressed out and frustrated with their husbands indulge in adultery and fall into a lewd state in the hotel room. This is a collection of six wives who are aroused and liberated by the immorality of doing something wrong.
むっつりスケベの音大生が彼氏公認でAV応募!真面目な顔してカップル喫茶で乱交経験・レズの風俗を呼んでレズ経験を体験してきた性に乱れた音大生のしずかちゃん。彼氏公認のはずが、AVでのセックスにハマってしまい・・・ 放尿・首絞め・大量バイブで理性崩壊した音大生の淫欲っぷりはヤバ過ぎる!!A plump and dirty music student applies for porn with her boyfriend's approval! Shizuka is a sexually awakened music student who has experienced orgies at couples cafes and lesbian sex services. She apparently has a steady boyfriend, but she’s all but addicted to the type of sex she gets during porn shoots… Don’t miss out on this intense flurry of sexual adventure with urination, choking, and vibrators galore, breaking the boundaries of reason!
"今回の『ガチナンパ!』は静岡。静岡産直のお嬢さんはとっても敏感でした。初めて見る、初めましての男性のチ○ポがデカチン!動揺しながらもガン見!巨乳を弾ませ腰を跳ね上げパンパンガクガク!敏感だからすぐイっちゃうけどガン無視ピストンSEX中出しでほぼ気絶。""""Our 'Real Pick-Up!' for today is in Shizuoka. The young lady from Shizuoka was very sensitive. It was the first time she had ever seen a man with this big of a dick! She was a little worried at first, but she was looking at him intently! Her big tits bounced and her hips bucked and throbbed! She's so sensitive that she cums right away, but the guy ignores her and just keeps on hammering into her and ends with a fantastic creampie! """