街行く素人さんに、何もしなくていいちょいエロ・イメージ配信だと声を掛ける。巨根見せつけ、パンツ越しに擦らせてとお願い。そのパンツも脱がせると秘部は濡れ濡れ。そのまま事故的に挿入!素股で濡れちゃった女の子5名。We ask amateurs on the street to help us put together a tiny erotic video. We show off a massive dick and asks her to let him rub it through the cloth of her panties. When she takes off her panties, her secret area is wet with excmovieent. He then accidentally inserts himself into her. Five girls who got wet by bareback fucking.
夫を裏切った代償〜不倫をネタに部下に犯された爆乳女社長〜 – Hey動画
リストラで職を失い、ようやく採用された会社で女社長『ゆみ』から日々、虐げられている課長の小島。あるとき残業を命令されて会社に残っていると、もう誰もいないと油断したのか、見知らぬ男を会社に引き入れている不倫現場を目撃し盗撮に成功する。後日それをネタにレ●プする。やがて彼女は小島の性奴●になっていく…。Kojima is a section chief who lost his job due to restructuring and is being tormented by the female president, Yumi, at the company where he was finally hired. One day, when he is ordered to work overtime and stays at the company, he witnesses an affair where a strange man is brought into the company and succeeds in stealing a photograph. Later, she uses it as a story to take him. Eventually, she becomes Kojima's sexual toy…
【個人撮影】「旦那以外のおち○ぽに興奮するなんて絶対にいえない・・・」指輪を外してち○ぽをじゃぶる熟練痴態フェラ。れい(仮)39歳 – Hey動画
今回は不倫SNSで見つけた付き合いが半年になるセフレのフェラチオ動画です。モデル名:れい(仮)出会い:不倫系SNS初めてあったときの印象は「え・・・こんな美人な人が利用するんだ・・・」という印象でした。ラインでのやり取りしているときは常に発情しているのか?と思えるような積極的なエロトークwww実際に会うまではネカマ率70%くらいに思っていました。。事前にもらっていた写メ通りのれいさんが現れたとき、テンションぶり上がりでしたwそんなこんながあり、もう6ヶ月くらい月2であう関係を継続しています。会うときはいつもご飯を誘うのですが断られ、ホテルへ直入りが定番。どんだけムラムラしとんねんという感じです。今回は露天のあるホテルへ入り昼真っからニャゴニャゴしちゃいますwww性格とセックス相性が合うようで僕のお願いも従順に聞いてくれます。本当にアラフォーなのかと思ってしまうほどの美人さん。This time it's a blowjob video of a sex friend who I found on an affair social networking site and we've been dating for half a year. Model name: Rei (tentative) Encounter: Affair SNS When I met her for the first time, my impression was "What… Such a beautiful person uses…". I was thinking about the changes of her being a guy rate is 70% until I actually met her on the web. I've been in a relationship with her for about 6 months now, and we've been meeting twice a month. Whenever I meet her, I always invite her to dinner, but she always refuses and goes straight to the hotel. I feel how horny he is. This time, we went to a hotel with an open-air swimming pool, and we started going at it from midday. It's a beautiful woman who makes you wonder if she's really around fortx.
みらい(20) – Hey動画
本日のお相手は『全日本ハメ撮り連盟』のT●witterの募集を見て応募してきてくれた黒髪純朴ちっぱい素人田舎娘「みらい」ちゃんとラブホでパコパコ。普段は北関東の田舎の方に住んでいるそうで東京に撮影の為にわざわざ上京!!応募してくれた理由は「Hな事には元々興味津々で…。」とモジモジしながら恥ずかしそうに告白。そのエロに対する好奇心と行動力…とても素晴らしい!!早速私が持参したセーラー服水着のコスプレに着替えてもらいました。「コスプレ着るの初めてです…」と顔を赤らめながらも意外とノリノリです。笑Today's partner is the black-haired, naive, small-titted, amateur girl "Mirai", who applied after seeing the "All Japan Hamedori Federation" Twitter recruitment, and we're going to have a lot of fun at the love hotel. She usually lives in the countryside in the northern Kanto region, so she came all the way to Tokyo for the shoot! The reason she applied is because she's always been interested in sex…" I've always been curious about erotic things…" she confessed shyly, fidgeting. Her curiosity about eroticism and her energy…it's amazing! I immediately had her change into the school swimsuit cosplay I had brought with me. She blushed and said, "This is my first time wearing a cosplay…" but she was surprisingly excited. LOL!
「イヤだとは言えない…」女子力UPを目指してやって来たエステ店で、女性施術師に身を委ね安心してたのに男性施術師に交代!?まんまと男の口車に乗せられ拒むことができず快楽に身を委ねてしまった制服美少女たちの性感オイルマッサージ2 – Hey動画
またも悪徳施術師たちの口車に乗せられエロオイルマッサージでイキ狂わされて4名の乙女たちが種付けされた!女性施術師で安心させて男性施術師にバトンタッチ!『えっ!?なんで?』と思考停止のプチパニックに!断る事が出来なかった。挿入だけはヤメテ!でも…「イかされすぎて死んじゃうっ…!」悪徳施術師の口車に乗せられエロオイルマッサージでイタズラされてイキ狂わされてオ〇ンコから吹き出す乙女の潮!潮!潮!Four maidens are fucked by the evil massage therapists again and made to cum by erotic oil massage! We start off with a woman masseuse to get them comfortable, and then we play the ole' switch and change her out with a guy. "Huh? Why?" or so the girls panic, not being able to do anything to stop the situation. Just don't put the penis in! But…they would yell out things like "I'm going to die from cumming so much!" Maidens tricked into getting erotic oil massages by the evil and ill-intending masseuse, squirting out spurt after spurt in pleasure!
ガチナンパ!大宮発! 黒ストッキング女子大生限定! 何度も寸止めしてたら発情しちゃってずっと腰振りイキっぱい! 78イキ!16発射! – Hey動画
"今回のガチナンパ!の舞台は埼玉の実質首都・大宮!ハズレ無しの極上素人娘5人ゲット&全員セックス大成功!黒ストッキング女子大生にターゲットを絞って、無責任に生ハメ&中出し決行!何度も寸止めしてたら発情しちゃって、ずっと腰振りイキっぱ連続絶頂!高速ピストンの膣壁摩擦でオマ○コ内部も発火寸前?合計78イキ&16発射!""""Our round of 'Real Pick-Up!' this time is set in the stage of Omiya, essentially the capital of Saitama! We've got five of the best amateur girls in the world, and we get great shoots with all of them! We targeted college girls in black stockings and irresponsibly fucked them raw and gave them all creampies! Our guy edges them again and again, and once they get over the peak and climax, they just cum over and over again! The friction of the high-speed pistons on her vaginal walls almost ignites her pussy. Total 78 climaxes and 16 cumshots! """
魅惑誘惑ヤラせてくれる猥褻美容室 波多野結衣 – Hey動画
AV業界を引退した波多野結衣は都内近郊のある美容室でスタイリストとしてひっそり働いていた・・が、根っからのスケベでチ○ポ好きの彼女は我慢出来ずにお客にエロテクサービスしてしまう…やがて自分の素性がバレた彼女は堰を切った様にヤリ狂うのでした。After retiring from the porn industry, Yui Hatano has been working quietly as a stylist at a beauty salon in the suburbs of Tokyo. It's a good time to see her in action.
まさか!エロ配信が担任の先生にバレちゃうなんて!!松本いちか – Hey動画
私は学校では真面目な優等生。でも実はみんなには言えない趣味があるんです。それは、えっちな生配信!お小遣い稼ぎにもなるし、ちょっとずつエッチな配信すると みんなが神生主とか言って喜んでくれて、「もっとしてあげたい!」って思っちゃうんだ。でもまさか、一番バレちゃいけない知り合いにバレちゃうなんて…I'm a serious honor student at school. But I have a hobby that I can't tell anyone about. It's live sex streaming! It's a good way to make some extra money, and when I do a little bit of live sex, people say I'm a god, and they get happy, and I think, "I want to do more for them! I want to do more!" But I didn't think that the people I know who shouldn't know would find out…
ガチナンパ! 町田発! 「イッてるけど抜かないで!!」何度もイキたがる女子大生が自ら腰振り連続絶頂!! 134イキ!15発射! – Hey動画
"今回の『ガチナンパ!』の舞台は東京・町田!ハズレ無しの極上素人娘5人ゲット&全員SEX大成功!ヤリたい盛りの女子大生にターゲットを絞って、無責任に生ハメ&中出し決行!何度もイキたがるエッチ大好き女子大生が自ら腰振り連続絶頂!顔射!口内!胸射!子宮!いろんなトコで出しまくり!合計134イキ&15発射!""""Our 'Real Pick-Up!' for today is in Machida, Tokyo! We've targeted college girls in the prime of their lives who are ready to get laid, and we've irresponsibly fucked them raw and creampied them to abandon! This is the first time I've ever seen a college student who loves to have sex and wants to come over and over again, shake her hips and cums continuously! Face-fucking! In the mouth! On the mouth! On the chest! In the womb! All over the place! A total of 134 orgasms and 15 cumshots! """
コタツの中で内緒で悪戯 「ちょっと!?彼氏に気づかれちゃうよぉ!」カレの友人に寝取られ本気で生SEX! – Hey動画
コタツの中って漠然としてますけどエロいですよね?見えない部分で肌と肌が触れ合ったら妄想が先走りして性欲が掻き立てられます。しかもシチュエーションはその娘の彼氏がすぐ隣にいる状況です!彼氏に気付かれずにコタツの中で音が聞こえるほど愛液を垂れ流して感じている様は必見!人気シリーズの総集編9名収録。The inside of a kotatsu (table over heater) is vaguely erotic, isn't it? When skin-to-skin contact occurs in an area you can't see, your imagination runs wild and your sexual desire is aroused. And the situation presents itself that the girl's boyfriend is right next to her! It's a must-see to see her dripping her love juice in the kotatsu without her boyfriend noticing. This is a compilation of 9 girls from this very popular series.