出会いはちょっとエッチな写真のアルバイトから始めた関係なんですが、オジサンが超大好きらしく、いつの間にかセフレになってしまった女子大生のちぃちゃん。天然系甘えんぼキャラはオジサンとの相性はバッチリで、何をさせてもおじさんのチ○ポをキュンキュンにフル勃起させてくれます。バイブで刺激していると生理になってしまうハプニングが。せっかくなので生中させてもらいました。先に謝っておきます「ハメシロ」はちぃちゃんの都合で見せておりません。雰囲気でもヌケるので良かったらご鑑賞ください♪Chie is a college student who started out as a part-time photographer, but before she knew it, she had become a sex friend. She's a natural sweetheart who's perfect for him, and no matter what he does, she'll make his dick cum. When she is stimulated with a vibrator, she has a problem with her period. I was able to get it inside me. I'm sorry, but I can't show you the "hameshiro" because of her situation.
あい – Hey動画
中出しを求める美熟女インストラクター – Hey動画
夫は単身赴任で地方住まい。独り暮らしをしている人妻・れい子(46歳)は、自宅でエクササイズのインストラクターをしている。現在、2人の男性生徒、宮崎(40歳)と奥村(21歳)にレッスンをつけている。 女盛りのれい子のあまりにもセクシー過ぎる容姿、ポーズが気になって仕方ない奥村。反対に真面目にレッスンを受けている宮崎。 宮崎にばかりやさしく指導しているれい子に嫉妬して奥村は先に帰ってしまう。 2人きりになったれい子と宮崎は、妖しいムードとなり、れい子は欲情が昂ぶり宮崎のモノを咥える。 数日後、愛し合っている二人を見た奥村は自分もそこに加わりたいと求め、れい子は快く受け入れて・・・。Her husband works alone and lives in a rural area. Reiko (46), a married woman who lives alone, works as an exercise instructor at home. She is currently giving lessons to two male students, Miyazaki (40) and Okumura (21). Okumura is bothered by Reiko's overly sexy looks and poses. Miyazaki, on the other hand, is taking the lessons seriously. Okumura is jealous of Reiko's tenderness towards Miyazaki and leaves first. When Reiko and Miyazaki are left alone together, the mood becomes bewitching, and Reiko's lust rises and she sucks Miyazaki's cock. A few days later, Okumura sees them making love and asks to be a part of it, which Reiko gladly accepts…
はだかの家政婦 全裸家政婦紹介所 音海里奈 – Hey動画
今回の家政婦さんは100センチの爆乳はエロ過ぎる里奈さん。抱き心地満点の柔らかボディーや感度抜群のパイパンマ●コが大好評!可愛い笑顔を振りまき、どんなHな要望にも応えてくれるからリピーターやファンも多いという。終始全裸で行う卑猥な家事シーンや濃厚すぎる性的ご奉仕の数々をどうぞご堪能ください!!This time, the housekeeper is Rina, whose 100cm big breasts are too erotic. Her soft body is perfect for hugging and her sensitive pantyhose is a big hit! She has a cute smile on her face and is willing to meet any kind of sexual request, which is why she has many regular customers and fans. She has a cute smile on her face and is always ready to satisfy any kind of sexual request.
奇跡の激カワ新婚妊婦 上間愛(本名)鬼畜ぶっかけ腹ボテ妊婦 – Hey動画
いつもお世話になっております。渋谷特別特攻本部の前髪短い方です。※閲覧注意※相当な変態、性欲異常者以外見ないで下さい。宜しくお願い致します。I'm always grateful for your help. I'm the one with the short bangs from the Shibuya Special Suicide Squad. *Please do not look at this unless you are a pervert or sexual deviant. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
伝説のNO.1ソープ嬢の過去がバレてしまい…息子の担任に犯*れ続ける美人巨乳妻 – Hey動画
『みお』の息子は以前から学校でいじめられており、そのことを知った彼女は担任の『久保田』を容赦なく追及した。そんな担任の元に実家から荷物が届き、中には昔の風俗雑誌も混ざっていた。何気なく読んでいるとNo.1ソープ嬢として掲載された彼女を偶然発見してしまう。驚きと同時に彼女を恨んでいた担任は、この件をネタに彼女を脅迫するのであった…。Mio's son has been bullied at school for some time, and when she finds out about it, she pursues his homeroom teacher, Kubota, without mercy. Her homeroom teacher receives a package from her parents' house, which contains an old adult entertainment magazine. While casually reading it, he happens to find her listed as the No.1 soap girl. Her homeroom teacher, who was surprised and at the same time resented her, uses the incident as an excuse to blackmail her…
人妻リアル不倫 流出ラブホ盗撮 淫臭が充満する猥褻な時間と空間 – Hey動画
ラブホテル関係者によってこっそり仕掛けられたカメラが映し出す盗撮映像集の最新作。カメラに映っていたのは様々な事情を抱える人妻たちの淫らな不倫映像!本人たちはまったく気付かない状況下で盗み撮られた映像には、生々し過ぎる愛欲の記録が!筋肉フェチの爆乳妻とフィットネスクラブで知り合った男、傷心中の美乳人妻と一目惚れナンパ男、親睦会を抜け出して逢引不倫する会社の同僚、秘密を握られてしまった美麗妻と同じアパートの男、旦那に裏切られ自暴自棄の爆乳妻とバツイチニート男…。5組の男女が本能のまま貪る情欲の全てがここに!!It is the latest work of the collection of voyeuristic images which the camera secretly set by the person concerned with the love hotel projects. What was reflected in the camera is the lewd adulterous footage of married women who have various circumstances! They are caught in a situation where they are completely unaware of what they are doing. A man who met her at a fitness club with a muscle fetish, a man who fell in love at first sight with a beautiful wife with a broken heart, a colleague who skipped a social gathering to meet and have an affair, a man who lives in the same apartment with a beautiful wife who got her secret, and a man who is a divorced man with a desperate wife with a big tits who was betrayed by her husband. All of the lust that five pairs of men and women devour with their instincts is here!
かなめ – Hey動画
はだかの主婦 足立区在住 篠崎かんな(32) – Hey動画
篠崎かんな、32歳。わんぱく盛りの男の子2人と自動車整備士として働く旦那の4人家族。結婚8年目を迎えてとても幸せだけれど、夜の夫婦生活は月に1回くらいしかない。。たまには激しく情熱的なセックスもしたい!妻として女として心は激しく揺れ動く。取材班がそんな人妻の本音にせまっていく…!Kanna Shinozaki is 32 years old. She has a family of four: two young boys and a husband who works as a car mechanic. We've been happily married for eight years, but we only have nighttime sex about once a month. I want to have intense and passionate sex once in a while! As a wife and a woman, my heart is in turmoil. Our interview team delves into the true feelings of these wives…!
ガチナンパ! アザトエロイ娘に焦らして×2発情させたら止まらない!おねだりピストン! 111イキ15発射! – Hey動画