三人は仲の良い高校の同級生。僕の彼女と、元カノのみつき。みつきは結婚していて、僕たちは同棲中。たまにこうして集まって食事を楽しんでいた。しかし今日で全てが変わった。みつきが身体を寄せ、キスをしてきたせいだ。僕たちは彼女が旅行で外出した2泊3日の間に、数えきれないほどSEXをしてしまった。The three of us are close high school classmates. My girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend Mitsuki. Mitsuki is married, and we are living together. We used to get together every once in a while and enjoy meals like this. But today, everything changed. It was because Mitsuki, who was excited, pulled me close and kissed me. We had sex countless times during the three days and two nights she was away on vacation.
隣の奥さんの性欲が強すぎて 帰してもらえず生ハメしまくった24時間 – Hey動画
旦那が中折れするようになって早3年。旦那とのセックスではイくこともできず、オナニーで慰める日々。しかし、熟れた体は我慢の限界だった。旦那がいないある日、隣に住む大学生を家に連れ込んでしまう。3年ぶりの濃厚セックスと絶倫チンポに我を忘れ24時間ハメまくる!潮吹き、パイズリ挟射、大量中出し!It's been 3 years since my husband started to break my heart. I can't even come in sex with my husband, and I comfort myself with masturbation every day. However, the ripe body was the limit of endurance. One day when her husband is not around, she brings a college student who lives next door into her house, and forgets herself and fucks him around the clock for the first time in three years. She squirts, shoots between her legs, and gets fucked in the middle!
まお – Hey動画
#童貞君筆おろし#巨乳美女#生ハメ童貞卒業#はじめてのチュー#生中出しA beautiful woman with big boobs losing her virginity and getting creampied.
みはる – Hey動画
まお – Hey動画
カフェバイト:さくら(22歳)/美乳&やわらかもっちり肌女子にゴン突きガチハメセックス – Hey動画
"カフェバイトでバイトしてるという さくらちゃん。自分もよくカフェを利用するから、今度からカフェ店員を見る目が変わりそうです。で、始まってみると、接客業なのに結構無口。こういう撮影初めてらしいし、そりゃ緊張するか。でもこういう子に限ってあれこれ頭の中でこれからされちゃうこと想像してグショグショに濡らしてるものですよね。というわけでハダカになってもらったら…お〜!美乳&やわらかもっちり肌の抱き心地よさそなボディ。いざおっぱじまると、あまりしゃべらないけどヤルことはヤル、 っていうかむしろちょっと貪欲なことろがある感じで、おちんぽハメがいのあるいい娘さんでした。さくらちゃん、結構セフレに向いてるタイプかもね。""Sakura-chan says she works part-time at a café. I often use cafes myself, so I'm sure I'll be looking at café staff differently from now on. When we started, she was pretty quiet even though she was in the customer service industry. It seems to be the first time for her to be photographed like this, so she must be nervous. But only girls like her get so wet imagining what they are going to do in their minds. So I asked her to get naked and… oh! She has beautiful breasts and soft skin, and a body that looks comfortable to hold. When I asked her to get naked, she didn't say much, but she did what she had to do. She's a good girl who's worthy of being fucked by a cock. Sakura-chan is probably the type of girl who would make a good sex friend."
専門学生:リコ(22歳)/フェロモンダダ漏れ天然爆乳お姉さんとの多幸感ラブラブ交尾 – Hey動画
なんかもう服着ててもエロいっていうか、オトコを吸い寄せる匂いが出てるっていうか、そういう子いますよね?写真を見てもらうだけでもわかってもらえると思いますが、このリコちゃんがまさにそんなタイプです。こういう子に出会っちゃうと、相手が服着ててまだ何もしてなくたっておちんぽレーダーがビンビンに反応しちゃうっていうね。んで、脱がせてみたらさらにフェロモンダダ漏れボディ。パンドラの箱開けちゃった感。巨乳なのに張りがあって形のいいおっぱいが眩しすぎます。 これだけパーフェクトだとお高くとまってるかと思いきや、セックスが始まっちゃうと意外に従順キャラ。性格も明るくってあま〜い感じの天然系で、そのギャップにも萌えまくってしまいます。正直ちょっと恋しちゃったくらいですが、気持ちが入った分マジいいセックスしちゃいました。リコちゃんにもおまんこを通してこの気持ち伝わってたと思います。だって凄ぉ〜く感じてたからw"There are girls who are so erotic even when they're wearing clothes that they have a scent that attracts men, don't they? Just by looking at her picture, you can see that Riko here is just that type of girl. When you meet a girl like her, even if she's fully clothed and hasn't done anything yet, your cock radar will go off. And when you take her off, her body is even more pheromone-laden. It's like I've opened Pandora's box. Her big, firm, shapely breasts are just too dazzling. I thought she was going to be high and mighty, but once the sex started, she was surprisingly submissive. Her personality is cheerful, sweet, and natural, and the gap between the two makes me fall in love with her. To be honest, I even fell in love with her a little bit, but I had really good sex with her because I was really into her. I think Rico could feel how I felt through my pussy. I think Rico could feel how I felt through my pussy, because I felt so much."
コンパニオン:ゆり(28歳)/キャピキャピの関西弁に興奮しすぎてザー汁大量ロケット発射SEX – Hey動画
"待ち合わせの時は落ち着いたお姉さんかと思いきや、実際は明るくて甘えた感じのおしゃべり好き女子。しかも関西弁が超キュートです。おせっくすの経験値も高いのか、スレンダー美乳のカラダをまさぐっては痙攣し、バイブで膣内をホジくればあっさり潮を吹いちゃうほど感度も良好。コチラのやることなすこと感じまくってくれます。 舐め奉仕も秀逸で、オトコの気持ちいいところはモチロン、どんな態勢で、どんな下品な表情ですれば悦ばれるかを熟知してるかのよう。ここでも関西弁で甘えてくるんだからズルイ!で、膣内の感度がいいのはさっきの潮吹きで証明済みだけど、やっぱり玩具と肉棒とでは全然違うらしく、ハメた時の感じっぷりはもうハンパなかったです。""When I met her, I thought she was a calm older woman, but in fact she was a cheerful, sweet-talking girl. She also has a super cute Kansai dialect. She is also very sensitive and can easily squirt when you rub her beautiful slender breasts with a vibrator. Her sensitivity is so good that she can easily make you squirt when you use a vibrator on her vagina. Her licking service is also excellent, and she seems to know exactly what kind of position and vulgar expression she should use to please her man. It's not fair that she spoils me with her Kansai dialect here too! The sensitivity of the vagina has already been proven by the squirting earlier, but it seems that toys and meat sticks are completely different, and the feeling when I fucked her was already unbelievable."
究極の美女が施す魅惑のマッサージ 水沢のの – Hey動画
日常の喧噪を離れ至福のひとときを体験してみませんか?8頭身モデル美女が施す魅惑のマッサージでお客様の身も心も全て解きほぐし、貴方を極上空間へお誘いします。トップレベルの手技に疲れきったカラダを委ねてみませんか?A beautiful model will give you an enchanting massage to unwind your body and mind, and invite you to an exquisite space. You will be able to relax your body and mind with our top level massage techniques.
吉沢明歩×MAXING100作品記念 新人 吉沢明歩 – Hey動画
デビュー以来、トップ女優として君臨し続けてきた吉沢明歩。移籍後、MAXINGでのリリース本数は遂に100本目に到達した。そんな彼女の今作のテーマは原点回帰。改めてデビュー当時の恥じらい、初々しさを再現。忘れかけていた大事なものが今ここに蘇る!Since her debut, Akiho Yoshizawa has continued to reign as a top actress. After moving to MAXING, she has finally reached her 100th release. The theme of her current work is a return to her roots. Once again, she recreates the embarrassment and innocence of her debut. Something important that she had almost forgotten!