余命宣告を受け自暴自棄になった「えな」の義兄は生きている間だけでも彼女を手に入れようと、彼女を○した動画を撮影し言う事を聞かせた。いびつな関係は続き、ついに行為の最中に夫が帰ってきて修羅場になってしまった。カッとなった夫は兄を手に掛け、そして「えな」までも…。Desperate after being told she did not have long to live, "Ena's" brother-in-law, in an attempt to get his hands on her while she was still alive, put her on video, ask her to do what he told her. The relationship continued to deteriorate, and finally, during the act, her husband returned home and things got ugly. In a fit of rage, her husband takes his hands on her brother, and even "Ena"….
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